HIST152 Final Timeline Project

  • Native Americans during Westward Expansion

    Native Americans during Westward Expansion
    Moving west many Americans were met with the Native Americans. These native people were then forced to leave their homes and move to reservations with limited resources and no help from the American people or government. These people were stripped of their lands and American people moved into their houses to follow their dreams of wealth and materialistic mindsets.
  • Westward Expansion

    The Americans moving west believed that they were moving the word of their religion and it was their right to move throughout the land spreading their religion. They did not think of the men and women already living on those lands, but rather moved them out of their houses to push their religion throughout the country, The American people thought the were doing the right thing and the reservations were in place to help the Native Americans transition into American life.
  • California Gold Rush

    The California Gold Rush brought many people into the state in the hopes of finding gold. More than 300,00m people came into the territory during this time. This however created classes of people and some felt they had a larger right to be there than others. Americans felt superior towards Mexicans searching or gold, and with the number of Americans outnumbering the Mexicans they were viewed as lesser than the Americans.
  • Reconstruction

    Following the American Civil War, the American people began to fight for equality and the abolishment of slavery. This was a time to rebuild the country as a single unit. Many things were done such as making governments in the South equal to those in the North. Agencies were created to help transition from slavery into freedom for all people.
  • Industrialization

    Growth throughout many industries produced new classes of wealth including the wealthy owners of industries and the working blue-collar class. Many new jobs were introduced with the growing economy and many families were flourishing.
  • Gilded Age

    During the Gilded Age many Americans were focused largely on materialistic goals. With immense economic growth many people were willing to spend their money as they pleased and wanted to live luxurious lives. Many people were living in poor conditions and do not have the ability to provide for the families. There was a large split between the rich and poor.
  • Labor Policies During Progressive Era

    Labor Policies During Progressive Era
    During the Progressive Era there was a push for better working conditions by labor unions. With the implementation of an 8-hour workday, an age limit and restrictions on child labor, better safety conditions in the work place, and high wages. These new conditions allowed for safer and more reliable working conditions.
  • The Populist Party

    The Populist Party
    Throughout the Gilded Age many people were thinking materialistically. Although there were little voices for the poor people and underdogs, Mary Elizabeth Lease was fighting for them. She was one of the few that felt life was more then physical objects and fought for the wellbeing of all by helping to create the Populist Party. The Populist saw corruption in both present political parties and wanted the change the minds of Americans away from these ideals.
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    The US and Spain were both equally unprepared for this was, but Spain was no match for the American powers. The US was not going to end until Cuba was free from Spanish rule. As the fighting continued the US trapped the Spanish in Cuba ending in surrender.
  • Women in World War I

    Women in World War I
    During World War I, American men were sent off the battle to help American allies. With the absence of men the factories were unable to create products that were needed for battle. This is when the American women stepped into those spots in factories and management positions. As well as helping out as nurses in the war, women had a huge impact in production of materials during WWI.
  • Illness in World War I

    Illness in World War I
    As the American men were off to war fighting for our country, there was a common enemy among all parties. Influenza was breaking out across the world, killing close to the same number of people as causalities of the war. Illness was effecting American homes as well with many families struggling with starvation and illness.
  • The Roaring 20's

    The Roaring 20's
    The Roaring 20's were a time of economic growth after World War I with many people enjoying their lives after they were tested in the war. Consumer rates increased and new music such as jazz became a huge hit. Technology was advancing with new cars, radios, and movies. People were enjoying their lives more than ever before.
  • Women's Suffrage/ 19th Amendment

    Women's Suffrage/ 19th Amendment
    Following the end of World War I women were expected to reclaim their place at home, but many got the taste of having jobs during the war and did not want to let that go. They fought for equal rights as men and the 19 amendment was certified in 1920 allowing women the right to vote.
  • Stock Market Crash

    During the 1920's the stock market grew exponentially, but beginning in August of 1929 production was declining and unemployment rose. Giving great value in stocks many people sold their shares. At the peak, on Black Tuesday 16 million shares were sold losing billions of dollars. This left the economy spiraling down towards the Great Depression.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    Following the Stock Market crash America was in one of the worst economic depressions they've ever faced. Production in the country declined 47%, GDP fell 30% and the unemployment rate was ah high as 20% at the peak of 1933.Many Americans struggled to find jobs, and provide for their families.
  • Brain Trust

    Brain Trust
    In order to pull America out of the Great Depression FDR creates a collection of acts and new administration to help Americans get back on their feel financially and rebuild the economy. Groups such the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Federal Housing Administration helped people find jobs and get sustainable housing.
  • World War II

    The Americans entered World War II after the attack on Pearl Harbor and helped the Allied Powers defeat the Axis Powers and put an end to the Nazi terror. Although their main goal was to defeat the Nazi powers the US was fighting the Pacific War with Japan as well. After the US air base island hopped to get closer to Japan, and bombs were dropped in major Japanese cities, Japan surrendered. The US helped invade Germany on all sides, taking over cities and killing Hitler, Germany surrendered.
  • The Cold War Fears

    The Cold War Fears
    After the end of WWII the public was terrified that an atomic bomb would be dropped on the country. Many began preparing, and schools were showing videos such as "Duck and Cover" to children teaching them what to do in case the atomic bomb was dropped. This fear flooded the country, and these videos helped the public feel safe and prepared.
  • Fannie Lou Hamer's Testimony

    Fannie Lou Hamer's Testimony
    Fannie Lou Hamer was sharing her testimony about her trip with 18 other African Americans to apply for US citizenship. The live testimony was interrupted by a broadcast of the President sharing a message that it had been nine months since Governor Connolly was shot along with JFK. The President was fearful of how Hamer's testimony would change the views of the public.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    This act made discrimination against anyone based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin illegal. Ending the segregation between white people and African Americans after many years of protests and rallies.