Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy Final Fantasy 1 features small sprite representations of the leading party members on the main world screen. Battle screens use more detailed, full versions of characters in a side-view perspective. The NES sprites are 26 pixels high and use a color palette of 4 colors. 6 frames of animation are used to depict different character statuses like "healthy" and "fatigued" -
Final Fantasy 2
Final Fantasy 2Final Fantasy 2 used virtually the same graphics as its predecessor. Meaning it too was using the "sprite" graphics. -
Final Fantasy 3
Final Fantasy 3Not much has changed in the graphics since the release of the original Final Fantasy. Side note, Final Fantasy 3 was never released in the U.S until 2006 when it was released for the DS. This means what we see as Final Fantasy 3 in the U.S is actually Final Fantasy 4. -
Final Fantasy 4
Final Fantasy 4The SNES installments use updated graphics and effects, as well as higher quality audio than in previous games, but are otherwise similar to their predecessors in basic design. The SNES sprites are 2 pixels shorter, but have larger palettes and feature more animation frames: 11 colors and 40 frames respectively. The upgrade allowed designers to have characters be more detailed in appearance and express more emotions. -
Final Fantasy 5
Final Fantasy 5Final Fantasy 5 used the same kinds of graphics as Final Fantasy 4, but they are both still slightly improved from that of the original 3. -
Final Fantasy 6
Final Fantasy 6The graphics are the same basically for Final Fantasy 6 as it was for the two previous game. However there is one difference. In the previous games the battle scenes were more detailed than the rest of the game plays graphics, in 6 the graphics remained just as detailed in both. -
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 7 Final Fantasy began a new era in graphics for the Final Fantasy franchise. Losing the long and now outdated "sprite" graphics, Final Fantasy 7 uses FMV videos playing in the background, with polygonal characters on top. -
Final Fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 8Starting with Final Fantasy VIII, the series adopted a more |photo-realistic look.[86][87] Like Final Fantasy VII, full motion video (FMV) sequences would have video playing in the background, with the polygonal characters composited on top. The graphics are much improved from 7 to 8, but the method of using polygonal character ontop of pre-rendered backgrounds remained the same.