Final Exam Timeline

  • Period: 476 to 1450

    Feudalism in Europe

    Created a social structure. Serfs and peasants were at the bottom of the social status. Lords and Vassals had more power but served the king who was above them on the social ladder/status. Feudalism in Europe used the Catholic Church as the main religion.
  • Period: 581 to 907

    Tang/Song Dynasties

    During the Dynasty, literacy rates had increased due to the printing press which caused urbanization and increased trade. Trade between the Tang and Song dynasty revolved mostly around gunpowder and weapons. Religion was centralized which led to a social class in China.
  • Period: 750 to 1258

    Abbasid Caliphate

    Umayyad rulers fell and became the Abbasids. The Abbasids were innovated which led to them being very influential to the trans-European trade. They were influential to the point where Europe would use the same tactic Constantinople and Baghdad grew to represent the Golden Age due to those places growing to become big economic zones.
  • Period: 1200 to 1521

    Mesoamerican Empires (Aztec and Inca)

    Aztec Empire ruled current day Mexico. Tenochtitlan was the capital of the Aztecs who had the city in the middle of a lake. Used canals, irrigation, and markets for their economy. Incas were located on the Andes Mountains and lived in the capital of Cuzco. Incas had roads, rope bridges, and message systems.
  • Period: 1200 to 1400

    Mali Empire

    Mali had been a quick-growing society that utilized gold trade, cultivation, and islamic beliefs to become one of the greats. Under merchants, farmers and sundiata, mali arose Ghana with Timbuktu. Though Ghana had been a very powerful state beforehand with massive amounts of trade and religious reform, Mali outgrew Ghana due to increased literacy and trad. mansa Musa was important to this process as a religious and political leader.
  • Period: 1200 to 1200

    Age of Exploration

    During this time, the Europeans had begun to create new trade routes and connections in order to enable wealth and knowledge. They wanted to ultimately spread Christianity, gain wealth, and learn new customs. Portugal is seen as the primary explorer because they begun first and started a race for glory. The effects of this are still seen today, however, as the American population is reminded of the Indians killed by foreign diseases and the more powerful Europeans.
  • Period: 1206 to 1368

    Mongol Empire

    Led by Genghis Khan, the Mongol Empire advanced in bridges, printing, astronomy, and gunpowder. They had religous tolerance, valued merchants, and practiced Islamic faith. Russia, being extremely powerful, often rivaled the Mongols, and though winning, was very impacted by the Mongols. They utilized Mongol militarism and leadership, truly showing the benefits of Mongolian set-up. The Mongols spread past the Golden Horde and became increasingly powerful afterwards.
  • Period: 1206 to 1526

    Delhi Sultanate

    The delhi Sultanate had been a powerful area in India rising. The economic status grew because they would trade items such as fabrics, cottons,spices, and dyes. Protection against the Mughal Empire had been prime because during this time, the Mughals had been an extremely powerful empire that eventually rose to power within India. Dar-al-islam had continued to make a great impact on india and remained steady as the social classes of northern India changed. Indian Ocean trading was vital.
  • Period: 1271 to 1368

    Yuan Dynasty

    Once the Mongols has essentially destroyed Zhongdu previously, Kublai khan set to rebuild it under the name of "Dadu". It included diverse lands, religious tolerance, and a Golden Age of art and literature. Plays, common literature, and museums spring up with this and creates a global influence past the borders of China. Eventually, though, the Yaun Founded the Ming Dynasty, which would reign for around 300 years.
  • Period: 1300 to

    Ottoman Empire

    Founded by the Osman Dynasty, the Ottomans are recognized as one of the most influential empires in history. With Constantinople as its capital, the Ottomans remained the trading center between the East and West for centuries. They established devshirme under Mehmen II, which strengthened the military and aristocracy. In addition, they controlled the slave trade. However, they would soon be defeated in WW1 by powerful enemies.
  • Period: 1342 to 1352

    Bubonic Plague

    Due to increased trade and shipments, the Bubonic Plague started with fleas. It moved from China to Afro Eurasia and established the name " The Black Death". A third of the population had died from this illness and it devastated political establishments and societies. Afterwards, recovery was prolonged, but it taught humans to be more sanitary and more cautious.
  • Period: 1350 to

    European Renaissance

    After the plague shattered communities, people had an intense liking for expressing new ideas and commodities. This led to creative developments in science, art, and literature. It had a global impact as even today we worship known artists such as Da Vinci and Michelangelo. New forms of self-expression arose and caused religous tolerance and blending. Though starting in Europe, this had been a global revolution of self-expression.
  • Period: 1368 to

    Ming Dynasty

    Proceeding the Yuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty rose to stabilize trading systems and basic economics. The silk industry grew and popular cities such as Beijing housed royalty within the Forbidden City. The Ming did not follow tradition of the Mongols, but they instead reestablished bureaucracy and expanded the Great Wall of China. Though powerful, the Mongols would overtake the Ming armies and take the emperor prisoner. Many outside regions such as the Portuguese would take high interest in this.
  • 1450

    Portugese Trading Post Empire

    Portugese Trading Post Empire
    The Portuguese grew to be a really important empire in Atlantic trade. With their developing waepons, wealth, and power, they used African trading posts to grow the empire even further. Due to portuguese's smaller population and size, the empire was not strong enough to keep up the trading post.
  • 1450

    Atlantic Slave Trade

    Atlantic Slave Trade
    The europeans grew more power in the fifteenth century because of the trade and military. They wanted more power and influence especially in Africa, So they began to use Africans as slaves. The slaves were transported across the Atlantic Ocean frequently, and in large numbers. The ships were not good environments-- more than %50 of Africans died on their way to destinations. Overall, Africa is still underdeveloped because there was little innovation.
  • Period: 1450 to

    Spanish Colonial Empire

    The spanish were very powerful during this time and today because of their government, strong military, and head start on trade. Even from the beginning, the spanish opened trade routes, took over empires, and ruled. This impacted countries globally because the economy was boosted and grew during this time. Spain still rules today as a big trade influencer in the global market, and it reflects their rule from the 15 century
  • 1500

    The Reformation

    The Reformation
    as the churches in Europe, some priests did not accurately spread ideas. Part of this could have been a language barrier or illiteracy, but either way, some people got angry at the abuse of power. there were riots at churches for freedom of belief and a fair religious environment. as a result, people are more free today to practice their own beliefs because the Jesuits overcame the missionaries.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Age of exploration

    Europe had begun to travel more because of their cravings for God, Gold, and Glory. They wanted to spread Christianity across Asia and the Americas, wanted to become rich from land and slaves, and wanted to increase Imperialism by ruling over several areas. Technology had been more advanced here compared to before, and explorers relied less on astrology to find their ways. This would cause an increase in trade of crops, animals, and diseases
  • Period: 1526 to

    Mughal Empire

    Following the Delhi Sultanate, the Mughal Empire rose to be very powerful. Culture was very important duing this time, and the spread of Islam grew in Asia. Because of an increase in trade, more ideas were spread from Asia to other areas, rebuilding itself after the tragic fall of the Delhi Sultanate. Architecture grew widely and towns began to increase with taxes and small business-like areas
  • Period: to

    Tokugawa Shogunate

    This was one of the biggest moments of growth in japan because their military, agriculture, and global interaction all grew. Prior to this, Japan had been seen as weaker because their military was not competitive. There was a strict social structure that separates the people by using clothing, weapons, and economic status. Because of the immense growth in several areas, this era is why Japan is where they are today.
  • Period: to

    Qing dynasty

    The Qing Dynasty had transformed China to be more literate and pro-economic. It was very important during this time because previously, China was not religiously tolerant and had fallen behind in the global market. Culture had become prominent and certain clothes and traditions were required in social statuses. Many books/works came out during this time to fuel the growing educational developments
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    The Enlightenment was a time in history that encouraged books, literacy, and art to grow. Philosophers like John Locke came to be popular because people were more independent in their thoughts. Before this time and during, the Scientific Revolution encouraged people to think outside religion and about natural law. This shifted into The Enlightenment because people began to think independently.
  • Period: to

    Industrial revolution

    People got more creative with inventions, economies grew in agriculture and production because factories were more efficient. In the beginning, women and children were common in factories because of their small hands. However, as the assembly line grew in popularity, trading came more common and demand grew. Before this, people would fend for themselves by making their own clothes and growing their own food. After this, citizens became more reliant on other companies for goods and transportation
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    Britain, being one of the most powerful empires, had major influence over American economics and politics. There were a lot of taxes that peasants thought were unfair, so riots began to spring up. The Enlightenment, which happened previously, encouraged nationalism and independent thinking. As a result, people fought against the British to gain their independence. Soon, the Declaration of Independence was signed to verify America’s independence.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    In France, there were a lot of economic struggles once the French and Indian War ended. People were being taxed unfairly, and there were several riots because of the high taxes. As Napoleon gained more power, more money was used in weapons and on the military. This put France even more in debt, and it ultimately caused peasants to fight back. A republic was established, and created reform all across France
  • Haitian Revolution

    Haitian Revolution
    Haiti was a hot spot for slavery because of the hot environment, which caused more powerful empires to take control over slaves. The people were treated very badly, and many slaves were permanently injured or died. As a result, the slaves felt as though revolting was the only way to gain their freedom. Despite everything, the Haitians won, and gained their independence. Today, they are recognized as the only country to gain their independence from a slave revolt.
  • Period: to

    Berlin conference

    European nations were powerful during this time because they communicated economically and politically. Africa, however, was not as powerful, and was used for farming/work purposes by the more powerful areas. The Berlin Conference happened in order for the European nations (Spain, Portugal, France…) to split up African territory. They would use this in slave trade and political boundaries, which weakended African economy for decades.
  • Period: to

    Tanzimat Reforms

    The Ottoman Empire, though very powerful economically and politically, began to see a downfall in their empire as other countries began to strengthen themselves.In an attempt to stay powerful, a series of reforms were used to strengthen the military and political status. The military strengthened greatly, but the reforms were only semi-successful because the empire ended up falling shortly after. This left the surrounding areas in Asia more room to gain power after this.
  • Opium wars

    Opium wars
    Chinese citizens became addicted to opium, a drug coming from the poppy. However, Britain decided to limit trade to China in the middle of this, essentially shutting down small business in China. China had not been as powerful as the opposing military, and they backed down their offenses. With China not forcing the wars further, peasants and farmers began to rebel instead, causing the Taiping Rebellion.
  • Taiping Rebellion

    Taiping Rebellion
    The Qing Dynasty had ruled for several years successfully, but once the Opium Wars ended, they did not have positive feelings towards the closing down of opium trade. Low-class people came together to riot against the higher classes and the dynasty as a whole in an effort to regain trade and to get more power divided across China. However, this was unsuccessful. Many unsuspecting factors such as the Bubonic Plague rose and shut down the world, declining the protests
  • Sepoy Mutiny

    Sepoy Mutiny
    Also known as the Indian Rebellion, the Sepoy Mutiny was an uprising against the British soldiers. Hindus and Muslims had been religiously restricted by the British prior to this, and they had soon reacted violently as a response. However, the British response was to fight back, along with governing more strictly. Finally, thought, in 1947 India won their independence. This set the stage for trade, independent government control, and a rise for nationalism proceeding this time.
  • Meiji Revolution

    Meiji Revolution
    This ended the Edo Period, a period with strong Japanese power commercially, agriculturally, and culturally. it was focused around alteration of political figures in Japan. Previously, the Samurai had been powerful figures in social status, however, as the Tokugawa Shogunate fell, a more oligarchic feel. This helped japan modernize, which was much needed as western areas had been ahead in industrialization. the potential start of this restoration had been the revolution.
  • Period: to

    Scramble for Africa

    European countries such as Spain, Portugal, and France had been very powerful during this time, so they desired more land and money. Africa had been easier to take over more so than other areas, and the heat was very good for certain types of cash crops. The Berlin Conference occurred in 1884, which started the separation of Africa. Today, Africa is still behind several countries because Europe did not allow Africa to have any personal growth.