Filming schedule

  • First filming session

    We will gather some shots of the main characters that will make up the beginning of the narrative. We will shoot at our first location- the house that the character lives in and hopefully we will gage a sense of how the rest of filming will continue, for example the timings.
  • Second filming session

    In our second filming session we will film the shots at the underground station and also do some exterior shots. The shots of the main characters on the tube and exterior shots allow the audience to clearly see the journey the character goes on and also the use of a different location will make the video more engaging.
  • Third filming session

    In this filming session we aim to film all the footage of the main character in central London. We will go to Carnaby Street for the filming and use venues to film in such as 'Kingly Court'. We chose to film in town so that we could have a change of scenery and setting, but also so we could capture a busy, bustling area.
  • Fourth filming session

    This will hopefully be our final filming session for the narrative of the music video. In this session we will aim to obtain footage of the main character reflecting on old memories and photographs. For this element of the video we will grapple with using Green Screen technology to bring some of the 'memories' and old photographs to life. Although we are filming this in our last scheduled filming time, this part of footage is actually intended to be the beginning of the video.
  • Performance shots filming session

    In this filming session we will get the performance shots. We decided to film the narrative before the performance shots so that we can gage an understanding of how the narrative turns out and the overall fluency of it. During this session we will (hopefully) use different cameras to really capture different angles of the performer and experiment with different shot types