Film History

  • First camera

    First camera
    In 1816 the first partially successful camera was made.
  • Horse bet

    Horse bet
    Eadweard Muybridge made a bet on a horse to see whether the horse galloped with with no legs touching the ground and his other 2 friends betted that the horse had to have at least one leg touching the ground.
  • Lumiere Brothers

    Lumiere Brothers
    The Lumiere Brother ( from France) created the first projecter.
  • First movie

    First movie
    The first movie lasted 12 minutes and was created by Edwin Porter who was an employee of Thomas Edison. It had 14 scenes.
  • Nickelodeons

    A small storefront- type of theater that feature films. (Usually there would be a person who would play the piano or make sound effects.)
  • Charlie Chaplin

    Charlie Chaplin
    One of the Biggest Stars in film.
    Was paid 105$ a single week.
    In 1917 he was making millions of dollars and becoming a comic genius of the silent era film.
  • Color in Film

    Color in Film
    Color in films were constantly being experimented starting up to 1912 but was officially used in the 1930's.