Fetal development

Fetal Development

  • Fertilized Egg

    Begins to exist when the sperm reaches the egg and fertilizes it, mixing it's genetic makeup with the eggs.
  • Start

  • 12 hours

    12 hours
    Pronuclei join together
  • Zygote Stage Begins

    Occurs when the 23 chromosomes from the male and 23 chromosomes from the female join together.
  • 30-36 hours

    30-36 hours
    First round of mitosis (cleavage)
  • 40 hours

    40 hours
    Second round of mitosis
  • 50-60 hours

    50-60 hours
    Third round of mitosis
  • Morula Formed

    Morula Formed
  • Embryo Stage Begins

    Occurs when the egg is implanted into the uterus and the developing of the embryo continues.
  • Day 6

    Day 6
    64 cell embryo called a blastocyst
  • Hatching

    This is when the blastocyst hatches from the zona pellucida.
  • Day 8-10

    Day 8-10
  • Day 10

    Day 10
    Ectopic pregnancy could occur
  • Day 12

    hCG begins to be secreted
  • Day 12

    Day 12
    Disc with streak on the underside forms mesoderm
  • Day 15

    First missed period
  • Day 14-22

    Day 14-22
    Neural tube forms
  • Day 21

    Day 21
    Heart begins to beat, arm & leg buds appear, yolk sac makes RBCs
  • Day 34, 35, 36

    Day 34, 35, 36
    Face plates forming
  • Day 35

    Day 35
    Cleft lip or palate may occur
  • Week 6

    Week 6
    Muscles form, bent neck, webbed hands and feet, segmented back
  • Week 7

    Week 7
    Fingers & toes separate, eyes & ears formed
  • Fetal Stage Begins

    Occurs when all organs are formed, muscles are developing, arms and legs are forming and eyes/face are also forming.
  • Day 50

    Day 50
    Genitalia begins to differentiate, eyelids fuse, amnion surrounds fetus
  • Week 9-11

    Week 9-11
    Chorionic villi sampling could be performed
  • Week 14-15

    Week 14-15
    Amniocentesis could be performed
  • 6-7 months

    6-7 months
    Eyes open, fat added under skin, head out of proportion to the body