Fetal Development

By r.neum
  • Fertilized Egg

    Begins to exist when a sperm reaches the egg and burrows inside. This causes the zona pellucida to harden, preventing any other sperm from getting inside. This also causes the egg to go into Meiosis II.
  • Within 24 hours of ovulation

    Within 24 hours of ovulation
  • 12 hours

    12 hours
    pronuclei join together
  • Zygote Stage Begins

    occurs when the nuclear membrane of the ovum disappears and the two sets of chromosomes join together.
  • 30 to 36 hours

    30 to 36 hours
    first round of mitosis (cleavage)
  • 40 hours

    40 hours
    second round of mitosis
  • 50 to 60 hours

    50 to 60 hours
    third round of mitosis
  • Morula Forms

    Morula Forms
  • 96 hours

    96  hours
    64 cell embryo called a blastocyst
  • Embryo Stage Begins

    Occurs when the zygote begins to divide more, before implantation.
  • 192 hours

    192 hours
  • 192 hours

    192 hours
    ectopic pregnancy could occur (approximate time)
  • Hatching

  • 288 hours

    hCG begins to be secreated
  • 288 hours

    288 hours
    disc with streak on the underside forms mesoderm
  • 336 hours

    336 hours
    neural tube forms
  • 360 hours

    first missed period
  • 504 hours

    504 hours
    heart begins to beat, arms & legs buds appear, yolk
  • 816 hours

    816 hours
    face plates forming
  • 816 hours

    816 hours
    cleft lip or palate may occur
  • 1008 hours

    1008 hours
    muscles form, bent neck, webbed hands and feet, segmented back
  • 1176 hours

    1176 hours
    fingers & toes separate, eyes & ears formed
  • 1200 hours

    1200 hours
    genitalia begins to differentiate, eyelids fuse, amnion surrounds fetus
  • 1512 hours

    1512 hours
    chorionic villi sampling could be performed
  • Fetal Stage Begins

    Occurs when the baby begins to grow faster, bigger, and longer. Its organs also finish developing.
  • 2352 hours

    2352 hours
    amniocentesis could be performed
  • 4032 hours

    4032 hours
    eyes open, fat added under skin, head out of proportion to the body