End of Persains
Period: 350 to 550
Persian Empire
lasted from 550bc to 350bc. They made the first standardized coin. They also made the Royal Road, which was the essentially first highway. -
Oct 17, 600
Lasted from 600bc to 539bc. Knownn for building the first hanging gardens on buildings. -
Period: Oct 17, 612 to
Assyrian Empire
Oct 25, 612
End of Assyrians
Period: Oct 17, 1200 to
Hittite Empire
Oct 25, 1200
End of Hittites
Period: Oct 17, 1550 to
Babylonian Empire
Oct 25, 1550
End of Babylonians
Lasted from 1650bc through 1200bc. First to use chariots. First people to use iron also. -
Lasted from 2000bc to 1550bc. Had the first real law code called Hammurabi's Code. -
Lasted from 850bc to 612bc. Known for having a brutal professional military. -
End of Chaldeans
Period: to Oct 17, 600
Chaldean Empire
Period: to
Akkadian Empire
End of Akkadians
Lasted 2350bc to 2150bc. Known as the first empire. -
Period: to
Sumerian Civilization
End of Sumerians
Lasted from 3500 bc to 2350. Known as the first civilization.