Period: to
Fernancho´s times
In this timeline we are going to see the different stages in the life of our character called Fernancho. -
Fernancho´s birth and infancy 0 to 1 years old
This is the beginning of a long journey, wich our friend Fernancho has to finish.
Here Fernancho is born, he already is out of her mother with limited range of skill and abilities -
Fernancho´s early childhood 1 to 3 years old
Fernancho´s body, in this and even more stages of life he is developing more skills physical, cognitive, social and emotioanl.
Also fernancho is more taller. ;) -
Fernancho´s childhood 3 to 5 years old
Here our friend Fernancho is even more taller and advance, he also comprenhend a little bit more easily the world. -
fernancho´s late childhood 6 to 12 years old
Here, our very big friend is in the period between infancy and puberty, Fernancho during this period will acquire knowledge and even more abilities and skills with a little of alltitude -
Fernancho´s adolecense or puberty13 to 18 uears old
know in this part of fernancho´s life his getting many chages in the body phisicaly and phisiological, he also getting tall and also his feeling are change in a good or bad way. -
Fernancho´s young adulhood 19 to 35
is the accumulation of changes in a person over time.Ageing in humans refers to a multidimensional process of physical, psychological, and social change. Some dimensions of ageing grow and expand over time, while others decline. -
Francho´s adulthood 36 to 65 years old.
Our friend Fernando is more sensivle in the bones,muscles, and joints.My good frien Fernancho lose about 1 cm every 10 years after the age 40 .The emotions of my friend change so much. -
Fernancho´s old age 66 to 80 years old.
Our friend Fernancho in this years had loss of weight and also his getting small , and also his having problems with his skills and his abilities; and now Fernancho is getting in the worst part of his life even more than the puberty ,his going to let us.