
Fermi Lab - Batavia, Illinois

  • New Laboratory

    New Laboratory
    University reasearch associates help build and operate a new lab.
  • First Director

    First Director
    Robert R. Wilson was appointed as the Fermi labs new director.
  • The bill is signed!

    The bill is signed!
    President, Lyndon Johnson signs the bill authorizing the lab.
  • The Linac is created!

    The Linac is created!
    Grand opening of the Linac.
  • The Ring is created!

    The Ring is created!
    Grand opening of the Ring.
  • Central Lab is created!

    Central Lab is created!
    They changed the name to Wilson Hall in honor of Robert Wilson.
  • Cancer

    The first cancer patient recieves neutron treatment from the Linac.
  • Bottom Quark

    Bottom Quark
    The Fermi lab discovers the Bottom Quark.
  • Double the Energy!

    Double the Energy!
    The energy in the main ring is doubled.
  • Award recieved

    Award recieved
    Robert Wilson recieves the Enrico Fermi award.
  • First Collisions

    First Collisions
    The first proton-antiproton collisions were at 1.8 TeV.
  • Tevatron sets world record!

    Tevatron sets world record!
    Tevatron set the world record for the number of high energy proton-antiproton collisions.
  • Death

    Robert Wilson dies at the age of 85.
  • First Magnet

    First Magnet
    Fermi Lab ships the first magnet to CERN
  • The end of the Fermi Lab

    The end of the Fermi Lab
    The Tevatron produces its final protron-antiprotron collisions.