Ferdinand Magellan journey

  • 1517


    in 1517 he went to Seville to the house of Seville to look for people and allies for the expedition wing.
  • 1519

    start of the journey

    in 1519 he made his journey where he discovered magellan where he died
  • Sep 20, 1519

    On September 20, 1519, the expedition finally sailed from Sanlúcar

  • Dec 13, 1519

    passed through ria de janeiro

    passed through ria de janeiro on December 13, 1519
  • 1520

    arrive at St Julian's Bay

    in March 1520, and they arrived at St Julian's Bay
  • Mar 6, 1521

    rest to pick up nurseries

    on March 6, 1521, he found an island where sailors took the opportunity to rest and collect food.
  • Apr 27, 1521

    death of magellanes

    Magellanes perished on April 27, 1521 at the Battle of Mactan
  • 1522

    End of the trip

    the end of the expedition was at the hands of Juan Sebastian the cano and this return to españa in 1522.
  • 1522

    end of expedition

    The expedition arrived only with victory back to Seville in September 1522
  • magallan is appointed admiral on the expedition

    on March 22, 1518 Charles appoints Magellan and Faleiro admirals to set out on the search for the islands of the especiería