Fenian Brotherhood Founded
The FB was founded in 1858 by James Stephens in Dublin and John O’Mahony in New York City. The Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB) in Ireland and the Fenian Brotherhood (FB) in the United States was a predecessor to the twentieth-century IRA. In fact the Fenian insurgents who invaded Canada in 1866 called themselves the Irish Republican Army (IRA)—the first known usage of this term. Their goal was to eliminate the British from Ireland.
(fenians.org) -
In order to better grasp the influence of the American-based Fenian invasions on Canadian sovereignty and relations with the US during the 19th century, the Fenian organization itself will be analyzed. More importantly, key events that took place during the Fenian raids on Canada between 1866 and 1871 will be highlighted on the Time-line. A statement by the Canadian Armed Forces regarding the significance of the Fenian invasions in Canadian history will offer a befitting conclusion. -
Why Would The Fenians Attack Canada ?
Strained relations during the American Civil War (1861-65) led Britain to send 11,000 troops to protect its North American colonies. Immediately after the horrific Civil War, the Fenian Brotherhood which was almost entirely Irish-American, sought to sever the British from Canada and use it as a bargaining chip in exchange for Ireland's independence. Ireland’s independence from Britain by capturing Canada as a hostage.
(warmuseum.ca) -
Contact Is Made: 14,000 Canadian Volunteers
British and Canadian officials took the threat posed by the Fenians seriously and directed their spies to monitor the movement. By March 1866, intelligence reports suggested the Fenians were going to act against Canada, and 14,000 Canadian volunteers were called up for active duty. Nothing happened, and the volunteers were sent home. However, in April, the Fenians staged a raid against Campobello Island in New Brunswick and destroyed a few buildings. (thecanadianencyclopedia.ca) -
Period: to
Timeline Presentation of the Fenian Raids
Mohammad Ali Malik of NO-312 is proud to present this timeline which will help bring understanding regarding the Fenian Raids which took place between 1866 and 1871. I hope you enjoy this presentation! -
The Battle of Ridgeway
On 1 June 1866, an advance party of 1,000 heavily armed Fenians crossed the Niagara River from Buffalo, New York, and invaded Canada. The Fenians quickly captured the undefended town of Fort Erie. They sabotaged railway and telegraph infrastructure. On June 2, the battle took place when Lieutenant Colonel Alfred Booker found 600 Fenians at Ridgeway and deployed his men. The hardened Civil War veterans punched above their weight against the inexperienced Canadians. (britannica.com) -
The Dominion Police Force Is Created
Established following the assassination of Thomas D’Arcy McGee, the Dominion Police was created to guard the Parliament Buildings, provide bodyguards for government leaders, and operate an intelligence service — which successfully infiltrated the Fenian Brotherhood. The Dominion Police was active until 1920, when it was absorbed by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. (http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/dominion-police/) -
Assassination of Darcee McGee
Thomas D'Arcy McGee, an MP and Father of Confederation, was shot and killed by suspected Fenian James Patrick Whelan while returning to his Ottawa home in one of Canada's few political assassinations. Whelan was convicted of murder and hanged before more than 5,000 onlookers on 11 February 1869. (thecanadianencyclopedia.ca) -
The Battle of Eccles Hill
Canadians clashed with Fenian insurgents near Frelighsburg, Québec. The Battle of Eccles Hill was one of the last Fenian raids. The Fenians were Canadian and American Irish patriots hoping to foment revolution for Ireland’s independence. They attacked Canada to provoke England and catch them off-guard in their typical guerrilla style of warfare. The Canadians successfully repulsed the invaders with no loss of life! https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/exhibit/fenian-raids/ -
Direct Impact Of Raids on Canada
The raids sparked a wave of anti-Americanism and a surge in Canadian nationalism and patriotism. The amateur militia learned valuable lessons and incorporated their mistakes and successes to form a better fighting capability. These raids accelerated the provinces into Confederation. No more confused identity and inferiority complex to foreign enemies. Thankfully all of this was achieved without a full-scale war. (http://www.army-armee.forces.gc.ca) -
Concluding Statement Presented By The Canadian Army: 150th Anniversary
"Some Canadian historians argue that 2016, which is the 150th anniversary of the New Brunswick and Ontario Fenian Raids and the 10 regiments created in response to that threat (and then augmented with professional regiments in 1866) , deserves to be as significant a date as 2017 - Canada’s 150th birthday." The actions taken by the volunteers and militia were as significant as those pursued by our political leaders. We must cherish their sacrifices! http://www.army-armee.forces.gc.ca/