
  • Second Wave Feminism

    Start of feminism
  • equal pay act

    The equal pay act was declared by congress
  • Lyndon B. Johnson signed an executive order

    Prohibiting sex discrimination
  • Womens rights

    Womens rights
    Right to use birth control
  • Education

    Education amendments to prohibit sex discrimination
  • Juries

    Women were allowed to participate in trial
  • Pregnancy

    The Pregnancy Discrimination Act bans employment discrimination against pregnant women.
  • Southern States

    Southern States
    Women were allowed to vote in southern states such as Mississippi
  • Work Environments

    US Supreme court held trial that says work environment can be declared hostile
  • Princess Movies

    Princess Movies
    Women were encouraged to follow there dreams
  • Violence of women act

    Prevented rape and violence amongst women
  • Anarcha Feminism

    Power with media and money
  • Pay discrimination

    Can be filed as a complaint
  • Millitary

    Women allowed in millitary
  • Record Number

    Women becoming involved with everything such as congress, 104 women in congress