Feminist Timeline

  • Feminist Staged

    Feminists staged a sit-in at the Ladies' Home Journal offices, demanding changes in the feminine mystique propaganda of women's magazines.
  • Woman's Strike

    The Women's Strike for Equality featured demonstrations in cities across the nation. The strike was held on the fiftieth anniversary of women's suffrage.
  • Court Case

    Supreme Court case Reed v. Reed declared sex discrimination a violation of the 14th Amendment.
  • Ratification

    The ERA passed the Senate and was sent to the states for ratification.
  • Abortions

    Roe v. Wade legalized first-trimester abortion and struck down many state restrictions on abortions in the United States.
  • Feminism

    The Comanche River Collective began as a group of black feminists who wanted to clarify their place in the politics of feminism.
  • International Women's Year

    The United Nations declared 1975 International Women's Year and organized the first World Conference on Women, held in Mexico City.
  • Unconstitutional

    The Supreme Court ruled in Taylor v. Louisiana that it was unconstitutional to deny women jury service.
  • Night Marches Began

    Take Back the Night marches began, continuing annually in cities around the world.
  • Economic Boycott

    NOW began an economic boycott of states that had not yet ratified the ERA
  • Protest

    Women Employed held a protest to support legal secretary Iris Rivera, who was fired for not making coffee in her office.
  • Ratification Of The Amendment

    NOW declared a state of emergency on the ERA, committing all available resources to ratification of the amendment as the original 1979 ERA deadline fast approached.