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By tinna
  • 1960s feminist started

    1960s feminist started
    the civil rights movement, helped the feminist get support from the government by fighting against a stronger role for women
  • women's strike

    women's strike
    50,000 women nationwide strikes for peace,and protest nuclear weapons and U.S. involvement in war in southeast Asia. founded by Bella Abzug and Degmar Wilson
  • the feminine mystique book

    the feminine mystique book
    a book about feminism by Betty Friedan
  • civil rights acts

    civil rights acts
    it helped prohibited discrimination on gender
  • the Supreme Court

    the Supreme Court
    the Supreme Court struck down a law restricting access to contraception for married couples
  • the N.O.W.

    the N.O.W.
    it helped the rights and helped them get equal rights for women by setting legal changes
  • feminism in New York

    feminism in New York
    The feminist group New York Radical Women formed in New York City
  • Gloria Steinem's New York Magazine article

    Gloria Steinem's New York Magazine article
    the magazine After Black Power, Women's Liberation brought nationwide attention to the women's movement. The following year, she testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee for the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment and TIME published her essay on what a world with gender equality would look like.
  • equal rights amendment

    equal rights amendment
    women was fighting for the passage and ratification of the ERA. Although it was eventually defeated
  • ms. magazine

    ms. magazine
    Ms. became a famous part of the feminist movement. It was a publication edited by women that spoke to women’s issues, a voice of the revolution that had wit and spirit, a women’s magazine that eschewed articles about beauty products and exposed the control that many advertisers assert over content in women's magazines.
  • Difference feminism

    was developed by feminists in the 1980s, in part as a reaction to popular liberal feminism (also known as "equality feminism"), which emphasizes the similarities between women and men in order to argue for equal treatment for women