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Feminism - Women's Liberation

By les+7
  • Suffrage Act 1920

    Suffrage Act 1920
    On August 26, 1920, the 19th Amendment granted the ballot to American women. This term means the right to vote. The history of suffrage in the United States is about the removal of various limitations on voting for citizens.
  • Equal Rights Amendment 1923

    In 1923, Alice Paul first introduced the ERA language at the Women's Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, N.Y. That year, her allies in Congress attempted passage for the first time. It has been introduced in every session of Congress since then.
  • A Room of One's Own

     A Room of One's Own
    A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf. It is a book about fictional female character, who wants to be able to have the freedom to write like a man. Men have many freedom in the literature world that women struggle to achieve. Her thesis--"A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction."
  • National Association of Women Lawyers

    National Association of Women Lawyers
    NAWL gained national recognition in 1923 and was one of the first national organizations to endorse the proposed Equal Rights Amendment, first introduced to Congress in 1922. The ERA becomes an ongoing high priority for the Association over the next several decades.
  • Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC)

    Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC)
    Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) on 15 May 1942 by Public Law 554, and converted to full status as the WAC on 1 July 1943.
  • The Second Sex

    The Second Sex is a ook by the French feminist Simone de Beauvoir. The book deals with the treatment of women throughout history and is often regarded as a major work ofb feminist philosophy. It provided the spark for second-wave feminism.
  • Second Wave Feminist began in the 1960s

    Second Wave Feminist began in the 1960s
    1961(November 1) Women Strike for Peace, founded by Bella Abzug and Dagmar Wilson, drew 50,000 women nationwide to protest nuclear weapons and U.S. involvement in war in southeast Asia. (December 14) President John F. Kennedy issued an executive order establishing the President's Commission on the Status of Women. http://womenshistory.about.com/od/feminism-second-wave/a/1960s-Feminism-Timeline.htm
  • A Bunny's Tale

    A Bunny's Tale
    "A Bunny's Tale, Part I & II", by Gloria Steinem. It follows the story of feminist Gloria Steinem undercover work as a Playboy Bunny in the Playboy Clubs. She writes an article about being overworked, underpaid, and treated poorly. The men are living childhood fantasies, while the women literally work their tales off.
  • Women's Liberation Video

    Women's Liberation Video
    Women's Liberation Movement 1960s The video beginning describes women's role in the home. It isn't meant to be sexist statement, but let's one know how women are perceived in the home.
  • Chicana Movement

    Chicana Movement
    Chicana MovementIn March 1969 the Denver Youth Conference took place. At this conference a workshop was held discussing the role of women in the movement. The women of this workshop stated, "It was the consensus of the group that the Chicana woman does not want to be liberated." This was one of the principle actions that sparked the Chicana Feminist Movement. Soon after this, woman began to organize. In May 1971 over 600 Chicanas met in Houston, TX for the Mujeres Por La Raza Conference.
  • Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)

    In 1972, it passed both houses of Congress and was submitted to the state legislatures for ratification. It was a step closer to becoming a nation which all were deemed equal under a new Amendment to the Consitution.
  • Roe V. Wade

    Roe V. Wade
    Roe V Wade was a landmark case which gave women the right to have a legal abortion. The Supreme Court voted 7-2 in favor of womens rights over state and federal laws on abortion.
  • Women and the Military Academies

    Women and the Military Academies
    In 1976, more than 300 enrolled at the US Military Academy, US Naval Academy, US Air Force Academy and the US Coast Guard Academy. Male prejudice against women at the academies proved to be their biggest obstacle. http://www.womensmemorial.org/H&C/History/milacad.html
  • ERA Update

    ERA Update
    The ERA was three states shy of the necessary 38 ratifications as the March 22, 1979, ratification deadline approached.
  • ERA Update

    ERA Update
    Tsongas urges House to pass Equal Rights Amendment to ensure women equal protection under the law Congress extended the deadline to 1982, to no avail. In 1980, the Republican Party removed support for the ERA from its platform. Despite increased civil disobedience, including demonstrations, marches, and hunger strikes, advocates were unable to get an additional three states to ratify.
  • Queer Theory

    Queer Theory
    It was at a working conference on lesbian and gay sexualities that was held at the University of California, Santa Cruz in February 1990 that Teresa de Lauretis first made mention of "Queer Theory." She was hosting a conference on "Queer Theory: Lesbian and Gay Sexualities." https://answersingenesis.org/family/gender/the-influence-of-postmodernism-part-6-queer-theory/
  • Third Wave Feminism

    Third Wave Feminism
    Rebecca Walker coined the term "third-wave feminism" in a 1992 essay. It was a move away from second wave feminism. It focused on ideas like queer theory, and abolishing gender role expectations and stereotypes.
  • 1st Woman Senator

    1st Woman Senator
    Hillary Rodham Clinton becomes the only First Lady ever elected to the United States Senate.
  • U.S. secretary of state (1st African American Woman)

    U.S. secretary of state (1st African American Woman)
    January 26, 2005 - Confirmed as U.S. secretary of state by a vote of 85 to 13 in the Senate. Condoleezza Rice is the first African-American woman to hold this position.
  • Veils, Foucault, sexuality, women's liberation

  • The History of American Third Wave Feminism

    The History of American Third Wave Feminism
    The History of American Third Wave FeminismThird Wave Feminism is also concerned with several central ideas and issues related to women and their role in society. Although, like earlier feminists, they are interested in women’s political advancement, Third Wave Feminists are also interested in the ways in which gendered oppression intersects with other types of discrimination including race, sexual orientation, and class. The Third Wave of Feminism is also known for being particularly welcoming to those in the transgender community.
  • Ray Rice Case

    Ray Rice Case
    Ray Rice is arrested for domestic violence when he and his girlfriend Ms. Parker get in a aurguement in an Alantic City Casino. He punches he then girlfriend and she is knocked unconscious. The NFL reaction to the situation was wait and see. The NFL changed policy as the tension between women advocate groups and public opinion threatened NFL power.
  • Abusing Foucault: How Conservatives and Liberals Misunderstand “Social Construct” Sexuality

    Abusing Foucault: How Conservatives and Liberals Misunderstand “Social Construct” Sexuality
    Abusing Foucault: How Conservatives and Liberals Misunderstand “Social Construct” Sexuality Interesting article challenging Foucault's ability to identify sexuality. Were lesbian or Gay poeple born that way or are they changed by personal events.