Feminism movement

  • Century XIX

    Century XIX
    On that time started the first feminism movement , at the year of the second industrial revolution , women were not respected at the jobs of that time , so in march 8th of 1857 , 20,000 women saylors and activist decided to make a strike to ask for more quality options on their jobs
  • Century XX 1900-1990

    Century XX 1900-1990
    At the first world war (1914-1918) the women started to work at the part of nursery of all the countries involucrated at this war , and then , some women started to work on the nursery part
  • WWII

    Women start workin in more important places in the second world war , they start working at the aerian infantry and in the infantry in general , getting more important places in to the war
  • 50s

    On this decade of the 20th century starts the most important events on the feminism , first , women get the rights to vote in presidential elections in most part of the world , then , they gets more human rights , like to have governmental places in the elections
  • 1960-1990

    Starts to appear the first female activist , asking for a better threat for the womens , because at that time was many genre incidents , incluiding genre violence and another important incidents