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  • First used

    First used
    The term Feminism was first used by French philosopher Charles Fourier.
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    Feminism throughout the ages
  • First Wave Feminism: Women’s Suffrage and The Seneca Falls Convention

    First Wave Feminism: Women’s Suffrage and The Seneca Falls Convention
    “We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men and women are created equal.”
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    The 19th Amendment: Women’s Right to Vote

    In 1893, New Zealand became the first sovereign state giving women the right to vote. Australia in 1902. Finland in 1906. The United Kingdom granted suffrage to women over 30 in 1918.
  • Passing of the 19th Amendment

    Passing of the 19th Amendment
    Women participated in the war effort and worked during WWI and finally earned the right to vote.
  • WWII: Women entering the workplace

    WWII: Women entering the workplace
    At the absence of men in the workplace due to being drafter in the war, women stepped up and took on jobs left by the men.
  • The Second Sex

    The Second Sex
    Publication by the French existentialist Simone de Beauvoir discussing the treatment of women throughout history. Seen as a major work of feminist philosophy and marked the starting point of second-wave feminism.
  • Equal Pay Act

    Equal Pay Act
    An effort to change the lack of equal pay among men and women
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    Second Wave Feminism: Women's Liberation

    Betty Frieden argued the fact that women were still forced into basic homemaking and child care jobs.
    Steinem’s Ms. Magazine became the first magazine to feature feminism as a subject in 1976.
  • Equal Rights Amendment

    Equal Rights Amendment
    sought legal equality for women and banned discrimination on the basis of sex, was passed by Congress, but was never ratified to become law by enough states.
  • Roe V. Wade

    Roe V. Wade
    Women's Right to choose abortion.
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    Third Wave Feminism: Who Benefits From the Feminist Movement?

    The look into who the feminist movement benefitted more as it seemed to more center around the white woman.
  • #MeToo

    Women were still not being treated as equal in the workplace as they face sexual assault and harassment from their male counterparts.
  • Women's Marches

    Women's Marches
    Women led Marches on Washington in DC and included cities around the world, where 3 million people held demonstrations advocating for full rights for all women world-wide.