
  • Beginning of the Suffragists

    Beginning of the Suffragists
    This marks the beginning of a time period where there was major political, societal and historical shift in power. It begins with the formation of female led organizations that would send letters to the government demanding action and equality under the law.
  • End of Suffragist

    End of Suffragist
    This was towards the end of the movement where we see a huge difference in our laws and norms. The impacts this event had will continue to have lasting effects even into the present day.
  • Amelia Earhart

    Amelia Earhart
    Amelia Earhart becomes the first female pilot to perform a solo trip, which she would later become known for globally.
  • The Pill

    The Pill
    At this time, the FDA approved the first commercially produced birth control pill, which provided freedom and liberties to women they could not have dreamed of a hundred years prior.
  • Period: to

    Women's Rights Movement

    Considered the second wave of feminism, this was another time of huge social, political and environmental progression for females. It is also widely known as the time of the burn all bras movement in support of gender equality.
  • Equal Pay Act

    Equal Pay Act
    John F. Kennedy signs the Equal Pay Act which states that women must be paid the same wages as any man under the same job and position in a workplace. This can be seen as one of the first steps in history to closing the pay gap.
  • Roe V Wade

    Roe V Wade
    The Supreme Court acknowledged that the constitution protects the female right to receive or seek an abortion, which was a major step and milestone for the female right to their own body and person.
  • Sandra Day O'Connor

    Sandra Day O'Connor
    Sandra Day O'Connor becomes the very first on the U.S. Supreme Court, becoming a major part of representation in the justice system.
  • Violence Against Women Act

    Violence Against Women Act
    Then president, Bill Clinton, signs the Violence against Women Act, which provides funding for programs that support victims of abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault and more.
  • Military

    After several long awaited years, the military removed a previous ban and now allows women in combat positions, providing more opportunity and positions of rank for women in service.
  • Women in power

    Women in power
    Kamala Harris becomes the first female and female of colour Vice-President of the United States which is an incredible accomplishment that took several hundred years to achieve.