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  • Exectutive order 12127

    Exectutive order 12127
    President Jimmy Carter issued an exectutive order 12127 which created the Federal Emergency Manegment Agency. This order merged many other federal agency dealing with disaster management. John Macy was named FEMA's first director. John Macy developed activties by emphaziing how natural harzard preparedness and civil defense were similar.
  • Three Mile Island

    Three Mile Island
    Three Mile Island was a nuclear power plant melt down that occured in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. This was the worst nuclear power plant accident in American history. Prsident Carter transfered all offsite planning to FEMA. This was to ensure safety and health of citzen that live around nuclear power plants.
  • Cuban Refugee Crisis

    Cuban Refugee Crisis
    To respond to the Crisis in Cuba FEMA redirected ships that were in a training exercise in Guantanmao Bay to Mariel Harbor to help with the relocation of refugess from Cuba. This all started on April 1, 1980 when an unemployedbus driver, Hector Syantiz and five friends decided to crash through the gates of the Pervian Embassy in Havana, Cuba.
  • Contamination of Love Canal

    Contamination of Love Canal
    FEMA issued a Federal Disaster Declaration for this contamination. The Love Canal located near Niagra Falls, New York was contaminated by chemicals that caused birth defects and other heath problems.
  • Robert T. Stafford Relief and Emergency Assistance Act

    Robert T. Stafford Relief and Emergency Assistance Act
    This amended the disaster relief act for 1974.The presidential declaration of disaster emercegney automatically lets FEMA distribut funds and provide assistance to disaster areas.
  • Loma Prieta Earthquake

    Loma Prieta Earthquake
    In Loma Prieta, California an earthquake damaged over 200 buildings. FEMA responded by being given the responsiblility of assuring survivalbility and coordinating tasks during and after a disaster. They were involed with controlling riots in Los Angles and keeping traffic flow moving.
  • Hurricane Andrew

    Hurricane Andrew
    When Hurricane Andrew hit Dade County, Florida, FEMA got critism for being unresponsive to giving support after a major natural disaster. One million people were evacuated.It's estimated cost was about 30 billion dollars.
  • New Director appointed: James Lee Witt

    New Director appointed: James Lee Witt
    First director to have emergency management expreience. He move layers of bureaucracy in order to give better response to disaster and better service to the United States. He instilled empahsizes on preparedness.
  • New Director: Joe Allbuagh

    New Director: Joe Allbuagh
    Within months of being appointed there were terrorist attacks on the United States on 9/11. FEMA was giving the responsiblilty to give the first responders the training of dealing with weapons of mass distruction.
  • Birth of Homeland Security

    Birth of Homeland Security
    FEMA was joined with 22 other agencies and together they created Homeland Security . This department was headed by Secretary Tom Ridge. This department was to coordinate security and mangeamnt of emergency and disasters.
  • Emergency Reform Act

    Emergency Reform Act
    President Bush signed in law Post-Katrina Emergency Reform Act. This reorganized FEMA and provied new authorty to remedy the gaps that appeaedin Hurricane Katrina, which was the most damaging natural disaster in American history.
  • Employment of FEMA

    Employment of FEMA
    Across the country, FEMA has 7,474 employees.