Federation Timeline Ella P

By epolman
  • Period: to

    Key points leading to Federation

  • Henry Parkes Tenterfield Speech

    Henry Parkes Tenterfield speech was given in support of federation. Parkes talked to the other colonies and asked them to unite and create a national government for Australia.
  • National Convention has been agreed

    At the informal federation meeting, the representatives of the colonial government studied and noticed Australia's population steadily getting higher, Australia's wealth and self governing ability. They agreed to a national convention to consider a federal constitution.
  • The Supreme Court and two Houses of Parliament

    (no date)
    Parkes put forward a debate where they decided for some powers to remain with the colonies but surrender specified powers to a Supreme Court and two houses of Parliament.
  • Edmund Barton's visit to Riverina

    (No date or month)
    Edmund Barton went on a visit to Riverina. After his visit, 15 Federation leagues in the Riverina community. Also the Australasian Federation Conference wants a national convention to be held to create a draft of the constitution for the Commonwealth of Australia.
  • Australasian Federation League was formed

    Australasian Federation League formed in Sydney as they decided to federate. As well as this, a people's conference in Corowa, NSW, pushes the colonial parliaments to hold a new convention to decide on a draft of the Constitution.
  • The Intercolonial Conference of Municipalities

    (No day)
    The Intercolonial Conference of Municipalities, the people who live in a town or district with a local government, and the representatives Federation Leagues on Australasian Federation which was held at Melbourne Hall. Municipal associates also decided to make a decision and federate.
  • Women were given rights

    South Australia gave women the right to vote and also allowed them to stand for parliament. This means that women could vote for presidents and have choices for their country.
  • Intercolonial Conference in Sydney

    (no day)
    An intercolonial conference was held in Sydney. An agreement was reached to extend the restricted immigration to nearly all the different coloured races.
  • Bathurst Peoples Convention

    200 Delegates were at the Bathurst People's Convention arranged by the AFL. The delegates debated and argued over the 1891 Constitution draft and decided they needed another People's Federation Conference.
  • The Constitution

    Delegates from 5 colonies (not QLD) were present at the National Australasian Convention that was conducted in Adelaide. The South Australia premier Kingston was elected president and Edmund Barton was elected leader of the Convention. They worked on a set of laws (constitution) which would be presented to the British Parliament. They worked off the draft that was created in 1891. They also incorporated Edward Barton's ideas.
  • Henry Parkes completed the railway network

    Henry Parkes completed the railway network
    Henry Parkes put a bridge that goes across to Hawkesbury River NSW. By doing this, the railway network that gave them access on train to Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane was completed.
  • Joseph Chamberlain

    Australian delegates were invited to London by Joseph Chamberlain who was the Secretary of State for the Colonies to negotiate the Constitution Bill written by the Australian Federation Conference. WA also sent a delegate to argue for further changes to be made.
  • The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act

    The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act was passed by the British Parliament.
  • Queen Victoria

    Queen Victoria gave her royal assent to the Act which meant that the Act could go forward and be presented to the people.
  • Commonwealth of Australia

    Queen Victoria proclaimed that the Commonwealth of Australia, including all six colonies, would come into existence on the 1st January 1901.
  • The Commonwealth of Australia came into Existence

    The Proclamation of Commonwealth of Australia was held in Centennial Park, Sydney. The nine members of the interim federal ministry were sworn in with Edmund Barton as Prime Minister.