Federation Timeline

By owalden
  • 1889

    Henry Parkes, Premier of New South Whales Calls the colonies and asks to unite and create a great national goverment for all Australia. The speech told everyone that he was ready to cooperate on behalf of New South Whales.
  • 6-14 February 1890

    1890, at a federation meeting in Melbourne. Parkes replied to Service's toast to a united Australasia emphasizing a common British heritage. 'The crimson thread of kinship runs through us all the 13 representatives of the colonial governments and New Zealand acknowledged Australia's growth in population, wealth and extent.
  • 1899

    On the second round in the referenda on the Australia Constitution: 29 Apr- SA referendum won.
    20 June- NSW referendum won.
    27 July- Vic and Tas resferendums.
    2 Sept- Qld referendum won.
  • 1897

    3rd of May 1897- A formation of Federation League of South Tasmania. This League was made public, it was named 'The Federalist'
  • Sep 17 1900

    Queen Victoria proclaimed that the Commonwealth of Australia, comprising all 6 colonies, would come into existence on the 1st of January in 1901.
  • 1892

    Edmund Barton made a missionary visit to the Riverina, New South Whales. In Result 15 Federation leagues were formed in the Riverina communities.
  • March and April 1891

    The First Constitutional was in Sydney. 7 people from each colony and 3 from NZ agreed to make the name Commonwealth of Australia. they also drafted a constitution. Henry Parkes spoke of One person one destiny.
  • Jan 1895

    The AFL of Vic arranged a big federation meeting in thew Melbourne town hall that was organized by premiers of Vic, NSW, and SA. An AFL of SA was formed in the same year.
  • June 1894

    Unification of NSW and Vic proposed by NSW premier Dibbs. Sir George Dibbs was better known for his coolness towards Federation. He suddenly appealed directly to the Victorian premier to begin a unification into which the smaller colonies would later be drawn.
  • 1 Jan 1901

    Proclamation of Commonwealth of Australia in Centennial park, Sydney. The Proclamation and Letters Patent and Commission of the governor-general were read out and the nine members of the interim federal ministry were sworn in with Edmund Barton as prime minister.