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I nsw 72 1770 poster 1

Federation By Tyra Davies

By Year 6
  • Holland sailors

    Holland sailors
    Holland sailors landed on north and west coast of Australia
  • Captain cook

    Captain cook discovered east coast of Australia
  • Captain cook

    Captain cook
    Captain cook raised the British flag on Australias soil
  • First Fleet

    First Fleet
    The first fleet arrived
  • European Settlement

    European Settlement
    Since European settlement -has been a great change
  • Explorers

    Explorers relised New Holland and NSW were part of the same continant.
  • European population increased

    European population increased
    The European population increased.
  • British Goverment

    British Goverment
    British government created 5 colonies.
  • Joining togther

    Joining togther
    People thought joining togther in federation was a good idea
  • Matthew Flinders

    Matthew Flinders
    Matthew Flinders first suggested the name Australia.
  • Lachlan Maquarie

    Lachlan Maquarie
    Lachlan Maquarie suggested the name Australia
  • British

    British adopted the name
  • Money

    British money became Australia’s legal currency
  • European population

    European population
    Two thirds of Australia’s European population- born in Australia’s sense of being Australian
  • Gold rush

    Gold rush
    Gold rush
  • Sir Henry Parkes

    Sir Henry Parkes
    He called for all the colonies to form a Federal Government
  • Sir Henry Parkes

    Sir Henry Parkes
    To hold an Australian Federational Conferance
  • Sir Samuel Griffiths

    Sir Samuel Griffiths
    Australias first constitutional convention was made
  • delegates from all colonies expt Queensland `

    delegates from all colonies expt Queensland `
    It was the most memerable constition because the delegates were elected to vote
  • First Referendum

    First Referendum
    The referendum was to set the town that the senate would begin so that all elections in Australia at the same time
  • Second Referendum

    Second Referendum
    It preposed that men under going compulsory military training should serve over seas
  • Australian constitution

    Australian constitution
    Commenwealth of Australia constitution act another change was made by the British parliamnt when members insisted an amendment
  • Immigration

    Australia passed on the Immigration Restricted
  • Join together

    Join together
    6 States in Australia join together in Federation
  • National flag

    National flag
    The national flag was first flown
  • Federation

    Sydney hosted the celebrations of commonwealth. the six seperate Australian colonies had agreed to Federation and became states in the new nation
  • Vote

    Women were given the right to vote in federal elections
  • Federal Parliament

    Federal Parliament
    Federal parliament passed the judiciary act
  • First Australia coins

    First Australia coins
    First Australian coins came into use
  • Voting

    Voting made compulsory for those allowed to vote
  • Post War

    Post War
    Post War migration
  • Nationalities to Migrate

    Nationalities to Migrate
    The act was changed to allow people from all nationalities to migrate to Australia
  • Australians

    Nearly all Australians