First fleet
The First fleet came to Australia the First Fleet arrived at Botany Bay -
The first colony of New South Whales
The first colony which was new south whales settled by the brittish. -
NSW,VIC,TAS became a state
NSW was a state -
SA became a state
QLD became a state
WA became a state
1890-1900 constitution held six colonies
Inauguration of Australian comonwealth
29 to the 30th of march first fedral election was hold according to state electoral laws
the opening of the first parlement at the state parlment house in Melbourne
The commonwealth frachised act and also the commonwealth electoral act passed
fedral election was held under the commonwealth elctoral act
constiutional convention was held to talk about wether Australia should become republic
referedum held to vote on the idea wether Australia should be republic.No was voted by most people
Centenary of federation