
  • Articles of Confederation (S)

    Articles of Confederation (S)
    States had more power than the federal government under the Articles of Confederation. They could do almost whatever they wanted without being reprimanded by a power bigger than them.
  • Constitutional Convention (F)

    Constitutional Convention (F)
    The Constitution was written here which completely redesigned how the federal government was set up and the power it was given. States gave up some of their powers and rights in order to have a general governing body that can deal with disputes they do not have the power for.
  • Commerce Clause (F)

    Commerce Clause (F)
    Federal government has control of interstate commerce so that peopel of different states are treated fairly. This clause is believed to be abused by some people in the US because of their extending reach into things they shouldn't. Matters such as Health and Safety are supposed to be handled by the states but sometimes the federal government steps in to help give a general solution to a problem by using their power under the Commerce Clause.
  • 10th Amendment (S)

    10th Amendment (S)
    This amendment is important to help define US federalism. States are given powers that are not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution for the federal government or restricted to the states. Theoretically, this gives the states tons of power today since there are many things that the writers of the Constitution would not think of. This hasn't worked out exactly as the founders of the Constitution would have liked since the federal government has extended its reach more than some would like.
  • Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions (S)

    Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions (S)
    Virginia and Kentucky decided to nullify the Alien and Sedition Acts because they deemed them unconstitutional (and they were). This increased states powers because they ignored federal law and got away with it.
  • McCulloch vs Maryland (F)

    McCulloch vs Maryland (F)
    Maryland thought it had the power to tax the federal bank since it did not agree with it. However, the bank was deemed "necessary and proper" to help carry out the federal government's ability to tax.
  • Gibbons vs Ogden (F)

    Gibbons vs Ogden (F)
    Gibbons and Ogden were both steamboat shipping company owners who disputed whose territory was whose. It was ruled that Ogden did not have the right to transport goods because his power to do so had come from New York but under the Commerce Clause, Congress is the only group able to regulate interstate commerce.
  • Civil War (S)

    Civil War (S)
    The Civil War helped to increase state powers because states used heir right to succeed from the Union. They exercised their powers in given to them in the Constitution despite what the federal government thought.
  • 14th Amendment (F)

    14th Amendment (F)
    All people (specifically men at this point in time) were guaranteed all rights given to them by the federal government in each individual state. Federal power was increased here because they exercised their power that they are supreme to the states.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act (F)

    Pure Food and Drug Act (F)
    Federal law was passed to increase the requirements food food and drugs to be considered safe for the American people. Federal government spread its power here through the use of the Commerce Clause.
  • 16th Amendment (F)

    16th Amendment (F)
    Federal government official gave itself the power to tax people's income. Increase in federal power because they have more money coming in.
  • Gitlow vs New York (S)

    Gitlow vs New York (S)
    Gitlow was trying to overthrow the state government and replace it and New York was trying to protect the rights of its people. State power increased because it reinforced that states are responsible for the people.
  • New Deal (F)

    New Deal (F)
    Tons of programs put into place by FDR to help out the American people after the Great Depression. Increase federal power because more people were reliant on them to survive.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964 (F)

    Civil Rights Act of 1964 (F)
    It was illegal to discriminate against people in the workplace and punishable by federal law. Increased federal power by allowing federal government to deal with businesses.
  • Economic Opportunity Act (F)

    Economic Opportunity Act (F)
    Congress given the power to intervene in people's lives if necessary to help improve them. Federal power increased because they have a bigger effect on peoples' lives.
  • Heart of Atlanta Motel vs United States (F)

    Heart of Atlanta Motel vs United States (F)
    Public accommodation areas can not discriminate against people and determine who can and can not stay there. Federal power increased because they used the Commerce Clause as a basis for their argument.
  • State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act (F)

    State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act (F)
    Money given to states and local governments by national government. Federal power increased since people are relying on federal money and they must submit to the federal government since it helped them.
  • Election of Ronald Reagan (S)

    Election of Ronald Reagan (S)
    Reagan believed in giving power back to the states by decreasing taxes and giving money back to the people and states. State power increased as a result.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (F)

    Americans with Disabilities Act (F)
    Federal law prohibiting discrimination against people with disabilities. Federal power increased because of use of Commerce Clause and belief that they had control of people in workplaces.
  • United States vs Lopez (S)

    United States vs Lopez (S)
    Lopez charged with taking firearm onto school grounds because it had been banned by federal government and their use of Commerce Clause. Ruled unconstitutional because Commerce Clause had nothing to do with it.
  • 104th Congress (S)

    104th Congress (S)
    President Bill Clinton signed a bill which limited federal government spending that temporarily got rid of the money that funded 800,000 jobs. This was widely protested by Democratic House members. These members felt so strongly about this that they would not adjourn the meeting until they got their way. The bill being passed lowered the amount of power the federal government had and the Democrats disliked Clinton's move since they like a strong central government.
  • Printz vs United States (S)

    Printz vs United States (S)
    Federal government making states enforce Necessary and Proper Clause. Ruled unconstitutional because federal government can not compel state governments to perform its jobs.
  • United States vs Morrison (S)

    United States vs Morrison (S)
    Congress thought they had the power to enact a statute under the commerce clause but since it had nothing to do with interstate commerce, it was ruled unconstitutional.
  • No Child Left Behind (F)

    No Child Left Behind (F)
    Federal spending for the enhancement of K-12 education. Increased federal powers because they have a say in education in states.
  • Development of the Department of Homeland Security (F)

    Development of the Department of Homeland Security (F)
    Government agency to help prevent terrorism in the country. Given federal money to operate and keep the country safe. Increase in federal powers since federal government is extending its powers to safety of the American people (technically the states' job).