Federal Politics in Canada

  • The Kin-Byng Affair

    CitationA battle of power between the Prime minster William Lyon Mackenzie King, and the govener general, Lord Byng. Triggered by a corruption scandel it was a constituitional crisis.
  • Statute of Westminster Passed

  • The Gerda Munsinger scandal

    Citation Information about a scandel involving an East German Playgirl, Gerda Munsigner, who may have been a KGB spy was released in March 1966. Some PC cabinot memebers were suspected of having 'relations' with ms Munsinger, and she confirmed relations with the associate minister of Defence, Pierre Sévigny, between 1958 and 1961
  • Period: to

    Mulroney's scandalous ministers

    CitationMulroney lost aproximatly 1 minister per year between these years
  • Tunagate

    Citation Tunagate is a scandel of released tuna that was said to be so spoiled it was not fit for cat food.
  • 2011 Voter Suppression (Robocall) scandal

    Citation In 2011 calls allegedly went out to citizens in 200 ridings telling of changed polling station locations.