In New York City, two of the world’s most famous midgets, General Tom Thumb and Lavinia Warren were married. -
The YWCA was founded in New York City. -
The electric arc light was used for the first time. -
- Major league baseball representatives outlawed pitches that involve tampering with the ball.
signing telegram
The singing telegram was introduced by the Postal Telegraph Company of New York City. -
eletric locomotives
The Pennsylvania Railroad began passenger service with its electric locomotive. The engine was 79-1/2 feet long and weighed 230 tons. -
death of a salesman
"Death of a Salesman" opened at the Morocco Theatre in New York City. -
free Nelson Mandela
South African President F.W. de Klerk announced that black activist Nelson Mandela would be released the next day after 27 years in captivity. -
MIke Tyson
Mike TYson was convicted of rape -
- Amazon announced the Kindle 2