

  • Black Thursday

    Black Thursday
    This cartoon depicts a roller coaster, which goes up and down, but ultimately comes to a cut-off, leading to a dead drop. This is symbolic of the stock market on Black Thursday, as stocks have their ups and downs, but on the day of the stock market crash, everything dropped rapidly, like the plummet shown in the roller coaster. This crash of stocks is partially responsible for the Great Depression, as many people who invested in stocks lost everything they had.
  • (NEWS HEADLINE) Billions of Dollars lost as Stock Market Plummets to All-Time Low, Investors Devastated

    As stocks continued to drop over the span of the past few days, the market has gone into freefall, costing many investors everything.
  • Hoovervilles Appear

    Hoovervilles Appear
    This is a map of one of the many Hoovervilles in the US, specifically Seattle in this map. Seattle hosted one of the biggest, long-standing Hoovervilles across the country.
  • Al Capone Opens a Soup Kitchen

    As the Great Depression progressively grew worse for all Americans and many were forced onto the streets, the mobster and Public Enemy #1, Al Capone, would open a soup kitchen in Chicago, serving 3 square meals to roughly 2,200 people every day.
  • The Smoot-Tawley Tariff is Passed

    In an attempt to help stabilize the economy, President Herbert Hoover would sign the Smoot-Tawley Tariff Act, which would effectively raise tariffs on international goods and imports to promote the buying of domestic-made products. This would ultimately be disastrous for the global market, reducing the world trade and harming the economy, and is one of the disasters that caused the general public to vote Democratic in the upcoming presidential election.
  • The Bonus Army Marches on D.C.

    The Bonus Army Marches on D.C.
  • The 20th Amendment is ratified

    The 20th Amendment is ratified
    The 20th Amendment was also known as the “Lame Duck” amendment; closing the amount of time between elections and inauguration to office. This period of time between election and inauguration was often a time of extreme tension, as the new president would not technically be in office until several months later. This cartoon depicts that long-winded tension as a long walk by a “lame duck” to the white house, which is slow and comically drawn out.
  • (NEWS HEADLINE) A Crushing Blow for Republicans, Franklin Delano Roosevelt wins Presidential Election by a Landslide

    Backed only by ill-kept policies and weak attempts to fix an economy in freefall, former president Herbert Hoover loses the election to Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt.
  • Roosevelt's first Fireside Chat

    Roosevelt's first Fireside Chat
  • The Civilian Conservation Corps starts work

    The Civilian Conservation Corps starts work
    This cartoon shows two men- one of them is the General Public, and the other is Uncle Sam, who represents the government, or the US. The public is holding some coins, which is to say that they have received payment through working for the CCC, which the government is endorsing. With money back in the hands of the public, this shows one of the policies of the New Deal as a recovery program designed to help people build back up after the depression.
  • Tennessee Valley Authority established

    The TVA was established to combat arising infrastructure and environmental crises occurring in the Tennesee Valley, including preventing flooding and erosion, and providing electricity to the rural areas within. Various dams were built to help generate electricity and staunch the flooding problems, as well as help provide jobs and a way to help grow the economy.
  • The Public Works Administration steps into Action

    The Public Works Administration steps into Action
    This is a depiction of all the things the Public Works Administration, a New Deal agency for construction of infrastructure and rebuilding of the workforce, would aim to achieve across the country.
  • Glass-Steagall Act Signed

    To prevent the crashing of banks like they had during the Great Depression, FDR signed a bill that would separate commercial and investment banking. This would ensure that the business of fund security and the business of loans and commercial deposits would no longer be able to coexist in a bank, protecting people's money.
  • San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Construction Starts

    San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Construction Starts
  • The Indian Reorganization Act is signed

    FDR signed this bill, which would grant Native Americans new rights. Once suppressed and generally discriminated against, this bill would grant them greater rights to their land by eliminating privatization, new credit and self-government policies were instated, and funds were allocated to the betterment of Native American education and vocational opportunities.
  • Black Sunday- the worst Dust Storm in the Dust Bowl

    Black Sunday- the worst Dust Storm in the Dust Bowl
  • (NEWS HEADLINE) Aid Assured for Helpless Americans, First Social Security Numbers Issued under New Deal Program

    For those who are unable to work due to age or disability, the government proclaims that it shall now step in by providing aid in the form of income, despite their unemployment.
  • (NEWS HEADLINE) President Roosevelt’s Shady Scheme to Win Power in the Supreme Court Fails, and the Cost is Steep

    A recent attempt by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to add an additional 6 Justices to the Supreme Court was struck down by Congress, as his once-loyal nationwide following begins to falter.
  • The Fair Labor Standards Act is signed

  • The 1938 Congressional Elections

    As midterm elections rolled around, evidence that President Roosevelt's power was starting to weaken became visible. Combined with the "court packing" plan and a spike in unemployment under his lead, many Americans were skeptical of FDR's drive for power and radical, liberal policies. As a result, this election would result in a new proportion of Republicans winning seats in Congress and the Senate.