FCS Profession

  • Ellen Richards Graduates MIT

    MIT grants Ellen Richards a Bachelor of Science
  • The Great Sanitary Survey

    Ellen conducts surveys that modernize municipal sewage treatment, and develop water purity tables, and water quality standards.
  • Morrill Act Passes

    furthering funding for black student colleges.
  • First School Lunch Program

    Ellen started the first nutritional lunch program in Boston.
  • First Lake Placid Conference

    The first Lake Placid Conference began the creation of the American Home Economics Association.
  • American Home Economics Association

    At the 10th Conference, the AHEA was formed.
  • Smith-Lever Act of 1914

    Established Cooperative Extension Service, federal funding to support what's now called Career and Technical Education. (CTE)
  • Smith-Hughes Act

    Established federal support for vocational education.
  • Home Economics and the American Association of Land-Grant Colleges

    Home Economics is added to the American Association of Land-Grant Colleges.
  • First Nutrition Congress

    Agnes Faye Morgan sits on President Roosevelt's First Nutrition Congress.
  • Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics

    The USDA Bureau of Home Economics becomes the Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics.
  • Specialized Food Programs

    Specialized food programs emerge
  • Accreditation

    Accreditation of undergraduate programs in home economics began.
  • Vocational Education Act

    Vocation Education Act pushed for gainful employment outside the home.
  • AHEA Launches Project 2000

    AHEA launched Project 2000 to enhance programs to meet diversity needs.
  • Name Change

    Name changed from Home Economics to Family and Consumer Sciences.
  • 100 Year Celebration

    100-year celebration held nationally for the organization of AAFCS,