Vocational Education Act
The first national Vocational Education Act was signed by President Woodrow Wilson and resulted in federally supported, state-run vocational education programs. -
George Barden Act
The George Barden Act provided federal support to Home Economics programs focusing on homemaking education. -
Teen Times
The first issue of Teen Times, the official magazine of the organization, was published. The magazine came out four times a year and was sent to local chapters, one copy for every 20 members. The first issue of Chatter Box, the official magazine for FHA, was published and came out twice a year. -
FHA Founded
FHA was founded at a convention in Chicago, Illinois. NHA was founded for black students in 16 states were schools were segregated by state law. Kentucky was the first affiliated state association, followed by Georgia and Maryland. -
National Headquarters
The national headquarters moved from the AHEA in Washington, D.C., where it had been housed since October 1944, to the U.S. Office of Education. -
"Building Today for Tomorrow"
The first national program of work was printed in Teen Times. The theme "Building Today for Tomorrow" was planned around the eight Purposes of the organization. -
First National Convention
NHA and FHA Union
In response to a Supreme Court ruling making segregation illegal, the FHA and NHA national advisory boards selected a joint committee and made recommendations for working toward one organization. -
FHA and NHA merged Offically
The FHA and NHA merged and held their first national meeting as one organization in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The membership of NHA in the year prior to the merger was 78,616 in 1,409 chapters, and the membership of FHA was 549,668 in 10,970. -
Membership Peak
Membership peaked at 607,175. A "coming of age" 21st birthday celebration was held at the national meeting in St. Louis, Missouri. -
The National Advisory Board and NEC approved the expansion of the organization to include HERO chapters. The National Advisory Board was restructured to include supervisors of large urban areas, local Home Economics teachers, and two youth members. -
National HQ Moved
The national headquarters moved from the U.S. Office of Education to the fifth floor of the American Home Economics Association building. Chapters raised approximately $95,000 for the move and purchase of furniture and equipment. -
Teacher Education Advisory Committee
The Teacher Education Advisory Committee was set up to make recommendations for improving the preparation of Home Economics teachers for the FHA/HERO program. -
Last State to Associate
Rhode Island was the last of the 53 state associations to affiliate. -
STAR Events
STAR Events - Students Taking Action with Recognition began. -
Power of One
Power of One and Community Service were introduced. -
STAR Addition
3 new STAR Events were added, bringing the total to 11. -
Voting delegates approved a bylaws amendment to change "Home Economics" to "Family and Consumer Sciences" -
Voting delegates voted in favor of the name change to Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) and for chapter types to be comprehensive or occupational. -
"The Ultimate Leadership Experience," the official national tagline chosen by members, and added to the logo and used on all national materials. -
Adviser Rules
Members voted to change the bylaws to say that advisers need not be "a member of the state Family and Consumer Sciences education program staff" but they need to be a "qualified professional in the FCS discipline." -
Alumni and Associates
Alumni & Associates online community, www.fcclaalumni.org, was launched.