
By talynn
  • start of fauvism art

    This is when fauvism art began.
  • 1905 art

    Even though Matisse and many of his followers had been toying with Fauvism since early 1896 it did not become an officially accepted art movement until the Autumn Salon Exhibition in 1905 where fauvists gathered to exhibit their newest works.
  • 1906 exibit

    In 1906, several comprehensive exhibitions were held in Paris, making the work of Vincent van Gogh, Paul Gauguin, and Paul Cézanne widely accessible for the first time.
  • discovered work of van gogh

    Maurice de Vlaminck encountered the work of Van Gogh for the first time at an exhibition, declaring soon after that he loved Van Gogh more than his own father; he started to work by squeezing paint directly onto the canvas from the tube.
  • 1904 exhibt of french primitives

    In parallel with the artists' discovery of contemporary avant-garde art came an appreciation of pre-Renaissance French art, which was shown in a 1904 exhibition, French Primitives.
  • 1907 big sellling painting

    Henri Matisse made the painting The Blue Mountains in 1907. It was made in the Baltimore Museum of Art, MD.
  • 1908 styles

    Many critics gradually began to appreciate the fauvist's style and also to accept and respect the artist's individual taste and freedom, but by 1908 demands for the works of the somewhat radical style began to diminish.
  • 1909 painter

    Henri Matisse made The Algerian Woman painting, in the spring of 1909, on an oil canvas, in Georges Pompidou Center, Paris.
  • 1911 red studio

    Henri Matisse also made The Red Studio in 1911, In the museum of Modern Art, NY.
  • End of fauvism art

  • 1909 painter

    Henri Matisse made The Algerian Woman painting, in the spring of 1909, on an oil canvas, in Georges Pompidou Center, Paris.