FASD Resource Development

  • Negotiating

    prior to commencment wide consultation is occuring to enable input from a diverse group and preparing the landscape to deliver wihin the timeframe,
    tasks engage consultant / writer once approval of the project is acheived
  • Seeking approval of the Board and Systems Heads

  • Period: to

    Development Phase

  • Scoping and Consultation in Fitzroy Crossing

    Intensive work on site engaging stakeholders, brainstorming and framing the structure of the resource package
    Marninwarnitikura, Ninidilinjarri, Telethon Insitiute and Patches personnel ... plus Fitzroy Valley principals and identified teachers.
  • Continued Data Collection

    Last week of term continued data collection and follow up. may involve visits to schools ?
  • Period: to

    WA School Holidays

    WA School Holidays Focus on research and background sections
  • Period: to

    Data collection , school visits and schools providing video footage

  • Companion paper and Induction package DRAFT ready for design and printing

  • Period: to

    materials print ready

  • Printing and Delivery 10 June - 20 June

  • Saturday June 21st Information session (Broome or Kununurra)

  • LAUNCH IN FITZROY CROSSING with Stakeholders

  • 28 June Information session (Broome or Kununurra)