• Elections in which the Fascist Party participated

    The Fascist Party did not win many parliamentary seats
  • Libya, Eritrea and Somalia were new colonies of Italy

    Libya, Eritrea and Somalia were new colonies of Italy
    These territories were invaded by Mussolini
  • The National Fascist Party was founded

    The National Fascist Party was founded
    This political party was founded by Benito Mussolini
  • March of Rome

    March of Rome
    Description The march on Rome was a march to Rome organized by Benito Mussolini,
  • Victor Manuel III hands over the government to Mussolini

    Mussolini takes over the power of the government of Rome.
  • Creation of the Rocco Law

    It suppressed the parties and union organizations, except for those of a fascist nature.
  • Lateran Pacts were signed

    Lateran Pacts were signed
    They provided mutual recognition between the then Kingdom of Italy and the Holy See, recognizing it as a sovereign State and subject of International Law.
  • Ethipopia was conquered by Italy

    Ethipopia was conquered by Italy
    Ethiopia was conquered by Mussolini between 1935 and 1939
  • Racist laws in Italy

    Destined to cut civil rights to the population of Jewish origin
  • Imprisonment of Mussolini and end of Italian Fascism.

    Imprisonment of Mussolini and end of Italian Fascism.
    Mussolini is overthrown and imprisoned and thus Italian fascism falls.