Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933
It was part of Roosevelt's New Deal. It offered subsidies to farmers so they would limit crop production and allow crop prices to rise. It helped reduce over production which was hurting the market. -
Agricultural Adjustment Act 1954
Established a flexible price support for basic commodities (excluding tobacco) -
Agriculture Act of 1970
Introduced measures to protect purchases of fertilizers and feed supplies by providing detailed information on the composition of such products. -
Food Security Act of 1985
The Act contains provisions designed to discourage the conversion of wetlands into non wetlands. Also allowed lower commodity prices and income supports, and established a dairy herd buyer market. -
Agricultural Act 2014
Makes major changes in commodity programs. Formerly the "Federal Agriculture Reform & Risk Management Act of 2013". It's an act of Congress that authorizes nutrition and agriculture programs in the U.S. for years 2014-2018