Famous Died Guy Scientist

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    Thales of Miletus 600BC

    600 B.C.
    Thought all life came from water, and thought water was an original atom.
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    Democritus- 460 B.C.- 370 B.C.

    460- 370 B.C.
    Thinking there was an Atom and it looked like just a ball.
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    Aritotle- 384BC- 322BC

    384- 322 B.C.
    Did not belive in the Atomic theroy.
  • Sir Isaac Newton

    He had no experiment.
    He thought atoms were just particles and the picture of the atom was just a ball.
  • Dalton

    Around 1803
    There was no experiment
    His main Contrubrition was that he spent 46 years studying and came up with the atomic theroy.
    And the Picture was just a ball.
  • Antoine Henri Becquerel

    The experment that Becquerel had was Urimue. His main Contrubrition was discovered radioactivity in 1896.
  • J.J. Thomson

    The experment that J.J. Thomson did was the Cathode Rays Tube.
    He discovered the electrons.
  • Ernest Rutherford

    The name of the experement was The Gold Foil.
    His main contrubrition was the atoms contain a nucleus, made of protons, surrounded by electrons.
  • Robert Millikan

    The year was 1908- 1917.
    The Experiment name is the Oil Drop.
    His main contrudritions are he determinging the charge and mass of an electron, and he contrubrited to the atom between 1908 and 1917.
  • Bohr

    The experment name id Bohr.
    Main Contrubrition was that electrons are on fixed paths, and the experiment Bohr was not completed.
  • Aston

    The name of the experment that Aston had was the Bohr Atom. His main contrubrition was that he discovered the isotope using a mass spectrometer.
  • Schrodinger

    The Experment name is The Quantum Modle.
    The Main Contrubrition is the Quantum Modle.
  • James Chadwick

    The Experment name is the Bohr Modle.
    His main contrubritionsare that he discovered evidence towards the modle, and existance ofNeutrons.