
Famous Aviators

  • Samuel Pierpont Langley

    Samuel Pierpont Langley
    On this day he attemted to launch his gasoline powered, "Great Aerodrome" off a house boat in the Potomac River.
  • Wright Brothers

    Wright Brothers
    The Wright Brothers first flight. They traveled about 800 feet.
  • Glenn Curtiss

    Glenn Curtiss
    On this day he won the Scientific American trophy for flying one kilometer. He built the first sea plane in the U.S. and in World War I his best known plane the JN-4 was widely used. Also, in 1919 another one of his planes the NC-A was the first to cross the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Blanche Stuart Scott

    Became the first woman to fly solo and went on to be a stunt piolet and test flier.
  • Harriet Quimby

    Harriet Quimby
    On this day she became the first U.S woman to earn her piolets license and the second one in the world.
  • Stinson Sisters

    Stinson Sisters
    Kathrine became the first at the time to become a female piolet at age 16. Two years later Marjorie earned hers. Together they opened a piolet school where the taught their brother to fly.
  • Bessie Coleman

    Bessie Coleman
    She went to France to earn her piolets license. She became the first African woman to recieve her piolets license. The next year she took up barnstorming to open a piolets school for African Americans.
  • Charles Lindbergh

    Charles Lindbergh
    On this day he made his first solo flight from New York to Paris on his plane the Spirit of St. Louis. He recieved the Congressional Medal of honor. On March 1st 1932 his 1st child Charles A. Lindberg Jr. was kidnapped.
  • Amelia Earhart

    Amelia Earhart
    She became the passanger to cross the Atlantic Ocean. Four years later she became the first woman to fly a plane alone acrossed the Atlantic. She attempted to fly around the world but her plane crashed.
  • Captain Eddie Rickenbacker

    Captain Eddie Rickenbacker
    Became Vice President of Aircraft Corperation nine years later in 1938 he became President of Air Craft Corperation. He shot down 26 German planes in World War II. In 1942 his plane crashed in the Pacific Ocean and he survived 3 weeks at sea.
  • Fred Noonan

    On this day he accomined Amelia Earhart on her around the world flight. But, they dissapeared somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Beryl Markham

    Became the first person to fly solo west across the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Willa Brown

    Willa Brown
    Established the first government approved pilots school for African Americans.
  • Jacqueline Cochran

    Jacqueline Cochran
    Set more records tha anyone at that time. She had masterd every kind of air craft. Also, she trained women to work in World War II.
  • Chuck Yeager

    Chuck Yeager
    On this day he became the first person to fly faster than the speed of sound.
  • Benjamin Oliver Davis Jr.

    He became the first African American General in Air Force History.