Family violence
When the battered women’s movement in the United States began in the early 1970s, the prevailing theory of why men batter was based on psychopathology. -
Family Violence
Family Violence is a comprehensive, multi-disiplinary work that brings together in one source many findings from years of scientific research. Dr. Pagelow introduces various theories of the cuases of family violence; in addition she explores child abuse and neglects, spouse abuse, adolescent abuse, abuse of elderly partents, and the various types of sexual abuse in the family.Pagelow, Mildred, Lloyd Pagelow. “Family Violence”. New York: Praeger. 1984 -
Domestic Violence
HANNA, CHERYL. "Domestic Violence." Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice. 2002. Encyclopedia.com. 27 Oct. 2011 -
Detecting, Measuring, and Preventing Child Abuse
"Detecting, Measuring, and Preventing Child Abuse." Child Abuse and Domestic Violence. 2009. Encyclopedia.com. 27 Oct. 2011 -
Student Bullying Linked to Family Violence
Anonymous, . "Student Bullying Linked to Family Violence: CDC. " U.S. News & World Report 1 Apr. 2011: ABI/INFORM Global, -
Tackling a tough issue
"Tackling a tough issue. " Daily News 28 Oct. 2011, ProQuest Newsstand, ProQuest. Web. 27 Oct. 2011