Wicked wolf

Family Time Line

  • G-Grandparent bunting nans side

    G-Grandparent bunting  nans side
    Was born in Kalgoorlie and moved to perth with my grandad.
    Less suplise in the town is close to the sea so there is
    that is including money alot of fish food there so the
    has less imployment people are really smart. it

    also has alot of space for
    running, playing and wal
  • Period: to

    Family time line

    i never met her but she loved to travle with my nan and grandad
    she also loved to cook and she past down a great recipey of pancakes like we use today.
  • G-Granparent grandads side bunting

    He was from london and he moved with his wife to WA
    its all ways hot in WA There is plenty of money to go
    There is always trafic in all the around. There is a perfect
    citys. tempereture.
  • G.Granparent

    he was from london and he never moved
  • G.Granparent Hunt Nans side

    they moved to australia and came back to london because it was a holiday but thought about going to live there for retirment
  • Grandparent Nan

    she is a hard working mother of 3 boys and she makes the best pancakes in the world.
  • Grandparent grandad

    Grandparent grandad
    Grandad was from england but was born in kalgoorlie.
    it dosnt have much it is close to the ocean and
    supplise in food has alot of space to run, play and walk
    and electricity and the people there are friendly.
  • Parent Dad

    dad has worked all over Aus and Korea.

    Alot of trafic is there Has sun alot os sun

    has good beaches
    good suplie of food
    and energy and
  • Parent Mum

    Mum is very hard working and loves to eat healthy and she is now getting remarride to my new dad and my mum moved with her parents and sister when the imagration started and they arrived by boat.
  • Me Samantha

    it is always cold mostly and
    the sudden change in weather
    is annoying !