Newly married stage
we plan on living together,Making our home ours. providing our own food, clothing, and housing. Both will be hopfully working in their dream feild of work. Both partners will be working together to establish their own family of two. -
The early parenthood stage
we found out we were pregent with our first child! The mother is prepared to stay at home witht he young till the baby is ready for preschool. we are ready to support our baby through thier toddler, preschool and elemenrty years. -
second child
our second child was born. our first child was in her toddler years. -
Later parenthhood stage
Both our children has reached thier adolescence stage. Major changes has happened in our family. Our children have begun pubrity and rapid changes in physcial growth and sexual development. Comunication in our household has improved, -
The empty nest stage
Both of our kids have moved out and taking care of themselves. We still have a strong communication with our children. They have begun to meet thier our needs and start thier own familes. We are still involved with our Children but we're beginning to develope new intrest. We even have became grandparents -
retirment stage
Both my husband and I have retired. We get to spend time together doing things hobbies, voulnteer work and travel. For the first in a long time we can focus on ourselves. we always get to spend more time with our wonderful grandchild.