Korean War Begins
Period: to
My life
Color T.V. Introduced
Reports Say Cigaretts Cause Cancer
Warsaw Pact Signed
Khrushchev Denounces Stalin
Soviet Satellite Sputnik Launches Space Age
Summer Olympics held in Rome
Alan Shepard sent to space on Freedom 7
Cuban Missle Crisis
Martin Luther King Jr. "I have a dream" speech
President John F. Kennedy Assinated
Civil Rights Act
Vietnam War Begins
Walt Disney dies of cancer
First Heart Transplant
Apollo 11 Lands on Moon
Peru Earthquake
Cigarete Advirtisements Banned During T.V.
Vietnam War Ends
Richard Nixon Resigns
Microsoft Founded
Tangshan Earthquake
Jonestown Massacare
Nuclear Accident at Three Mile Island
John Lennon Assassinated
AIDs Identified
Movie E.T. is Released
Soviets Shoot Down Korean Airline
PG-13 Movie Rating Created
Titanic Wreck is Found
USA Shoots Down Iranian Airliner
Berlin Wall Falls
Hubble Space Telescope Launched
Operation Dessert Storm Ends
Cold War Ends
World Trade Center Bombed
Mad Cow Disease Hits Britian
Scientist Clone Sheep
Clinton Impeached
JFK Jr. Dies in Plane Crash