
Family Bonds (A Dark Comedy)

  • Start looking for an appropriate script

    This is my first attempt at producing a movie. My goal is to finsih something working in a relaxed, professional setting. I need a script that can be shot in two weekends and a 3rd weekend for re-shoots if needed. No special effects. No car chases, No stunts. Simple dialogue. Two or three actors at most. Free would be good but may not be realistic.
  • Overall Goal Determined

    The overall goal is to complete the process of creating and finishing a short movie in one year. The movie content must be PC enough not to endanger my day job. The process should be enjoyable and fun for all involved. I will learn. I will help others learn.
  • Period: to

    Search on-line for an appropriate script.,,, ad nauseum
  • Contact April Barbe to write a short script

    Contact April Barbe to write a short script
    Could not locate a script that fell within the parameters set for this project.
  • Purchase 'Blood Brothers' script

    Purchase 'Blood Brothers' script
    Contracted with April Barbe to create a short video. Only requirements were that it be PC enough not to get me into trouble at work, that it used only 2 or 3 actors, and that it would be about 10 minutes in length. She wrote 'Blood Brothers'. Original script is 6 pages long (unformatted)
  • Modify script to be a dark comedy

    Modify script to be a dark comedy
    Process of re-writing took many iterations.
  • Period: to

    Script rewrites

    Add dialogue to include humor. Add Scenes to make new dialogue make more sense. Change characters characteristics. Kyle becomes Kylie. Final rewrite is submitted to April for approval to make sure she still wants her name on what now exists. She does.
  • Parse each scene into shots

    Parse each scene into shots
    The 17 scenes parse into a total of 57 shots
  • Create shooting schedule rough draft

    Create shooting schedule rough draft
    The 17 scenes were placed into an 8-day shooting schedule. This was very optimistic on my part!
  • Attempt to draw storyboard

    Attempt to draw storyboard
    I came to the realization that I cannot draw even simple stick figure scenes. I will need to obtain the services of an artist for this part.
  • Obtain April Barbe as Asst Director

    Obtain April Barbe as Asst Director
    April wrote, directed and produced "Bottom of the Glass'. A short about the effects of alcohol on a family.
  • Obtain Sharron Jordan as Director of Photography

    Obtain Sharron Jordan as Director of Photography
    Glad to have her on board. She is the DP for Church Services at a major church in Corsicana.
  • Obtain services of Lucy Lowry as storyboard artist

    Obtain services of Lucy Lowry as storyboard artist
    After attempting to doodle my own storyboard drawings I give up and hire an artist.
  • Movie Poster Mockup

    Movie Poster Mockup
    Once talent is set for the movie the female lead will be photographed and used in place of the sample model.

    Is the movie where it should be? Have I lost sight of original goal? Answers are YES and YES. Script has gone from 6 pages to 21 pages, from 7 scenes to 17 scenes. Rough draft shooting schedule needs to be doubled to match the current version of the script. What I have is good, but it is too much. It is time to pull back and cut down to something more realistic for a first attempt. Especially since I will be working with a crew of volunteers with little to no experience.
  • Period: to

    Day Job Intervenes

    Extra work load at work requires my attention and places project on the back burner for a couple of months.
  • Shortened script for "Family Bonds"

    Script is reduced from 21 pages to 11 pages. From 17 scenes to 6 scenes. Most of humour scenes are kept. Will need to rethink shooting style to help promote the dark side of the movie.
  • Obtain Ryan Miller for Sound

    Met Ryan while I was working as Lead PA on set of Lunnetes
  • Obtain Ryan Patrick Lunt as PA

  • Obtain Daniel Lunt as PA

  • PreProduction Meeting with April Barbie

    Discuss locations, scenes, script, and audition scheduling
  • Auditions for Patrick

    Auditions for Patrick
    5 scheduled to audiiton. 4 showed up. 1 had to unexpectedly work extra hours.
  • Ryan Miller chosen to play the part of Patrick

  • Obtained Dental Office location for the shoot.

    Obtained Dental Office location for the shoot.
    Wright Dental