Fallwynn's Creation

By Ellsana
  • North America's Civil War

    With tensions running high, the start of the continent's war was an event that stunned the world.
  • End of Civil War

    After several years of intense battle, the war finally comes to an end.
  • Creation of Fallwynn

    During the Civil War, countries were torn apart and put back together, but not in the same way. Several of the existing countries such as the United States did not exist anymore. The most Northwestern part of the US and some of Canada had become what is known as Fallwynn.
  • Government in Fallwynn

    Because the Government was such a big part of countries, it was important that a stable kind of government be put into place as soon as possible. The country settled on a Constitutional Democracy to set their country into motion and set their ideas into place.
  • The Election

    The election for leaders asked for people with prior experience in leadership to step up and make their case. This took months, but eventually there were only a few potential candidates left. The people voted for the leader they best believed in, and that is how their leader Ellsana Ceres. She was one of the 19 original female candidates out of a total 82 candidates.
  • Post-Election

    The country was still very new, so things weren't going to be perfect right away. Through experience and trials eventually things got better and better at becoming a real country with their own unique values.