Fall Semester Project

  • Archduke Assassinated

    Archduke Assassinated
    Austria Hungary annexing Bosnia angered people in Serbia. The archduke of Austria, Franz Ferdinand, decided to visit the capital of Serbia, Sarajevo. On the way there they encountered some Serbian nationalists who wanted him dead. In the end Gavrilo Princip shot him.
  • Russia Mobilizes

    Russia Mobilizes
    After Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo, Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia with Germany. Russia supported their ally Serbia by declaring war on Germany and Austria Hungary. This caused Germany to declare war on the allies and the allies to declare war on Germany. Eventually this led to the invasion of Belgium and the outbreak of WWI.
  • The War Begins

    The War Begins
    After all the declarations of war Germany invades Belgium. This forces the other allied forces to help France. Thus the invasion pulled the other countries into a war. The attack officially began WWI.
  • Germans Fire

    Germans Fire
    The Germans fire shells filled with Chlorine gas. This is the first known use of chemical weapons. The wind carried the gas all over the battlefield and also affected the Germans. Once in your lungs the gas reacts with water to form Hydrochloric acid. The acid then causes severe burns and a painful death.
    Gas Attack
  • The Battle of Verdun(vet)

    The Battle of Verdun(vet)
    Eugene was stationed at Verdun. This area had trench warfare. He mentions how wet it was and how you had to be careful not to step of the planks. He didn't see much fighting here but the Germans did occasionally launch shells at them. Eventually he was moved from Verdun and saw real fighting.(vet experience)
    Crown Prince Wilhelm
  • First Tanks

    First Tanks
    The British employed the first tanks at the battle of delville wood. They expected the armor on the tanks would allow them to punch through enemy lines. Unfortunately the tanks were not as effective as previously expected. They were too big and heavy to really do damage.
    First Tanks
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    On February 2 1917 the US intercepted a disturbing telegram from Germany to Mexico. The telegram offered Mexico parts of the US in return for their help. This was obviously disturbing as it implied an attack on the US. Mexico refused but the event lead to the US entering the war.
  • US Enters War

    US Enters War
    After the Zimmerman telegram the US determined Germany was a significant threat to it. Before the US had tried to stay neutral as they knew joining the war would be expensive and costly. When they joined they supported the allies. Eventually they helped the allied countries win the war.
  • Selective Service Act

    Selective Service Act
    The selective service act is also known as the draft. President Wilson was widely criticized for destroying democracy as a result of the act but he saw no other option. The act allowed the government to force its citizens into service. Many people didn't like that and many tried to escape the draft.
  • Germany-Russia Peace

    Germany-Russia Peace
    Germany signed a peace treaty with Russia. The idea was if they didn't have to fight Russia they would be better able to fight France and Britain. In the end they still lost the war.
  • Battle of Belleau wood(vet)

    Battle of Belleau wood(vet)
    They went wave after wave just firing into the woods. They were in a field and the Germans had the cover of the trees. After one wave went the next one would jump over them and fire. In this way they pressed forward while under fire. Eventually the Allies one the battle and pushed the Germans completely out of the woods.(vet experience)
    Eugene W. Lee
  • German Zeppelins Attack Paris(vet)

    German Zeppelins Attack Paris(vet)
    Eugene was moved to a hospital in Paris after the battle of Belleau wood. He had been grazed on the shoulder. He spent a few nights there and one night the German zeppelins bombed Paris. He said he could hear them from his room.(vet experience)
    German Air Raids
  • Kaiser Wilhelm Abdicates

    Kaiser Wilhelm Abdicates
    Kaiser Wilhelm saw that Germany was going to lose and he abdicated before that happened. He didn't want to face the punishments for his actions. He and his retinue left to the Netherlands. He lived there in peace for the rest of his life.
  • Armistice day(vet)

    Armistice day(vet)
    Eugene was with the group at the Meuse river during the armistice. They were fighting and the Germans were shelling them. At about 10 the order of ceasefire was given. At 11 the Germans surrendered. Both Americans and Germans celebrated together.(vet experience)
  • Germany(vet)

    Eugene was stationed in Germany after the war. He lived with a German family. At one point he went out and shot a deer even though he wasn't allowed to. He gave the meat to a nearby family because he knew they needed it.(vet experience)