Fall of the Roman Republic

By AvaF10
  • 753 BCE

    Rome is Founded

    Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus, two twin sons of Mars. Legend says Romulus killed Remus and then named the city after himself.
  • 509 BCE

    King Lucius was Overthrown

    King Lucius was overthrown by the noble men of Rome.
  • 390 BCE

    The Sack of Rome

    A Gallic war led by Brennus captured and sacked most of the city.
  • 264 BCE

    The Battle of Messana Begins

    The Battle of Messana was the first battle between the Roman Republic and Carthage.
  • 218 BCE

    The Second Punic War Begins

    Rome declared war on Carthage which led to the Second Punic War.
  • 204 BCE

    Scipio launched an invasion of North Africa

    A general named Scipio Africanus launched an invasion on North Africa with 26,000 men.
  • 149 BCE

    The Third Punic War begins

    The Third Punic War started and ended with the destruction of Carthage and the enslavement of all the remaining people.
  • 107 BCE

    Gaius Marius arrives in North Africa

    Gaius Marius arrived in North Africa to lead the war against Jugurtha.
  • 83 BCE

    Sulla's Civil War was fought

    Sulla's Civil war was fought between the Roman general, Lucius Cornelius Sulla and his enemies, the Cinna-Marius.
  • 59 BCE

    Serving as Consuls

    Julius Caesar and Marcus Bibulus served as joint consuls.
  • 45 BCE

    Caesar's Civil War

    Caesar's civil war was fought from 49 BC-45 BC
  • 44 BCE

    Julius Caesar was Assassinated

    Julius Caesar was stabbed in Rome.
  • 27 BCE

    Octavian was made First Citizen

    Octavian was made first citizen or basically Rome's emporer.
  • 406

    Fleeing from the Huns

    Many people, including non-Romans, started to flee from the Huns.