300px colosseum  rome

fall of the roman empire

By E169
  • 100

    augustus ceaser and the roman empire

    augustus ceaser and the roman empire
    the romans gave octavion the title augustus cesar, he was the the first roman emporer
  • Period: 100 to 500


    rise and fall of the roman empire
  • 110

    pax romanas

    pax romanas
    pax romana' during pax romanas augustus cesar expanded the roman empire, improved roads bridges and aqueducts. he also improved econimics. during his time art and lituratere flurished
  • 161

    marcus aralius

    marcus aralius ruled from 161c.e to 180c.e, he was one of the last five "good emporers". he brought the econemy of rome together by using the same coins and spent most of his time defending the border
  • 305


    diocletion worked to strengthen the empire and stop decline
    diocletion also appointed a co emporer maximian and divided empire into east and west. diocletion got eastern half becuase it was more wealthy, doubled size of army. but eventually abdocated in 305
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    constintine ruled from 306 c.e to 337 c.e. he became ruler from a battle he had won. during the battle constintines army had been outnumbered and he had been thinking and looking at the sky in the night when he saw a christian symble
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    the next day diocletion had his army paint that symbol on there sheilds when they fought and won slaying thousands of soldiers!
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    at 313c.e. constinetine granted freedom to worship and strongly encouraged spread of christianity. this was the edict of milan
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    justinian was an important emporer he came up with the idea to make the hagia sophia and had lots of aqueducts and fortresses built
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    invasion and collapse of rome

    invasion and collapse of rome
    fall of romeafter the death of constintine, invaders attached the empire and barbarians took over western rome
  • 50 year decline

    50 year decline
    after commodus the empire went into 50 years of decline becuase of a lot of problems. some of these problems where the weak and currupt rulers, they became low on soldiers and had to hire mercenaries. eventually the empire became to big for them to rule all of it
  • comodus assasinated

    commodus assasinated in 192c.e
  • marcus and commodus

    marcus aralius crowned commodus the empire
  • commodus

    ruled from 180 ce to 192c.e. commodus started the decline of the roman empire becuase he was more intrested in himself and fun then the empires government, he also let others help him rule the empire