Fall of the Byzantine Empire

By cookj6
  • 565

    Height of Empire

    Height of Empire
    The height of the empire was during Justinian's reign. The lands that was mostly included was around the Mediterranean Sea. Justinian's wife was Empress Theodora. The Byzantine Empire was referred to as the Eastern Roman Empire. There were many territories lost.
  • 568


    In the year of 568 Italy was invaded. They were invaded by Lombards.They eventually took Northern italy from Byzantine. They wanted to invade so that's what they did.
  • Oct 5, 610


    Heraclius became emperor in 610. The language hd turned to Greek. There was a system called theme system installed. They lost Syria, Palestine, and Egypt to Muslims. Heraclius also had a a temporary possesion of Mesopotamia.
  • Feb 23, 690

    Loss of North Africa

    Loss of North Africa
    In the year of 690 there was a loss of North Africa to the Muslims. The Muslims had gotten North Africa. The Greeks of Aloexandria agrees to leave peacefully.
  • Feb 22, 693

    Muslims attack Constantinople

    Muslims attack Constantinople
    In the year of 693 the muslims attacked. They attacked constantinople. Constantinople had somehting that the muslims wanted. So since they couldn't have it they attacked.
  • Feb 23, 721

    Regain Control

    Regain Control
    In the year of 721 the Byzantine Empire regained control of the Asia minor . They got control from the Muslims. This was an enexpected thing that happened. The muslims didn't see it coming.
  • Feb 23, 726

    Leo III

    Leo III
    Leo III became emperor in the year of 726. Leo III had banned the use of icons. He also had crowned Charlemagne emperor of teh Romans . That was the first time in like 300 years that there was an emperor of the East and the West.
  • Feb 23, 843

    Restore of Icons

    Restore of Icons
    The icons were restored around 843. This made the people happy.The people celebrated this.
  • Jan 10, 976

    Basil II

    Basil II
    Basil was a Byzantine emperor. Basil was from Macedonia. He was Emperor from 976-1025.
  • Feb 23, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople

    Fall of Constantinople
    Constantinople was the capital of Byzantine Empire. Constantinople was one of the best known for many people. This all took place in 1453. There was an assault that was led by Sultan Mehmed ll. He was the ruler of Ottoman Turks.