Cold War Timeline

By jamori8
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Anti-semitic & racial laws passed by Hitler in 1935 restricted the rights of Jew in Germany. Reichstag convened during the annual Nuremberg Rally of the Nazi Party.
  • Munich Pact

    Britain and France agreed to allow Hitler to take more land, in exchange for Hitler's agreement to seek no more territory after that concession. Hitler broke the Pact less than 6 months later by continuing to take territory, ending the European policy of appeasement.
  • Kristallnacht

    Night of broken glass. Nazis in Germany torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools, and businesses, and killed close to 100 Jews.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Led to France and Britain declaring war on Germany. Germany utilized the strategy of blitzkrieg then quickly invaded France and launched devastating air raids on Britain.
  • Cash and Carry (Neutrality Acts of 1939)

    Allowed at war to buy goods from the U.S if they paid cash up front. Carried the merchandise on their own ships. Allowing for arms trade with Great Britain and France.
  • Lend-Lease Act

    Congress authorizes Roosevelt to sell, transfer title to exchange, lease, lend or otherwise dispose of to any such government and defense article. Which thought it was necessary for the interest of the defense of the United States.
  • Executive Order 8802

    A response issued by FDR, prohibiting ethnic or racial discrimination in the nation's defense industry. It was a response to Philip Randolph's threat to organized a march on Washington demanding equal access to war-time jobs
  • Atlantic Charter

    A broad statement of U.S and British war arms. It endorsed self-determination and international systems of general security, FDR & British Prime Minister Winston Churchhill signed it. It also showed FDR's commitment to opposing German and Japanese aggression.
  • Attack on Pearl Habor

    Surprise attack launched by the Japanese against Pearl Habor naval base, as well nearby airfields. Japan attack in response to U.S embargoes and because it saw the U.S Pacific fleet as a threat to its growing empire. 2400 Americans killed, 1300 wounded 19 U.S ships sunk or damaged.
  • Executive Order 9066

    FDR issued to authorized the internment of Americans of Japanese descent and resident aliens from Japan. Japanese residents and Americans of Japanese descent were ordered to sell their property & belongings and report for deportation to camps in the inland deserts.
  • Battle of Midway

    Victory at Midway stopped the Japanese advance and put them on the defensive. The tenacity of the Japanese was not going to give in, revealing how costly an invasion of Japan would be. The U.S was then determined to have the Soviet Union agree to participate in any invasion of Japan
  • Operation Torch

    The invasion of North Africa was launched to free the Mediterranean Sea from German control and protect the oil fields in the Middle East. Took some pressure off the USSR, but the Soviet's fierce resistance to the German at Stalingrad turned the tide on the eastern front.
  • D-Day

    It provided the long-awaited western front. Germany was now engaged on 3 fronts & had to divert resources to a western front that included the Soviet Union, Italy & France.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    The last German offensive and the beginning of the end for the Nazis. American + British+ France marched towards Berlin from the west. Soviets marched from the east.
  • Korematsu v. United States

    Fred Korematsu was a Japanese American who refused to leave his home per the Exec. Order (9066) issued in regards to Japanese Americans and residents aliens. He took his case to the Supreme Court, arguing that internment violated his Constitutional rights. Koremastu lost & the Supreme Court upheld Japanese internment as Constitutional.
  • Yalta Conference

    In This conference, it was Churchhill, FDR & Stalin. Final plans for the defeat of Europe & began a discussion of post-war European Plans.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki

    President Truman decided to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to prevent the necessity for landing and fighting on the Japanese home islands. Japanese surrendered unconditionally, and no invasion was necessary after the bombs were dropped.
  • United states is created

    The U.S played a key role in helping to organize and start the United Nations. The intergovernmental organization tasked to promote international cooperation and to create and maintain international order.
  • Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine pledged to contain communism in Europe and was first applied when the United States supplied military and financial aid to Greece and Turkey to resist the communist-backed rebel forces there. Was made in March of 1947.
  • Marshall Plan

    Fearing that a war-torn and economically weak Western Europe would elect socialist/ communist governments. The U.S offered financial aid Marshall Plan to Promote economic rebuilding and prevent the fall of European countries to communism. This was proposed by the Sec of state Geroge Marshall.
  • Israel is established

    The U.S supported the self-determination of the Jewish people with the creation of the Jewish state of Israel. The U.S promptly recognized & supported Israel demonstrates the impact of German war crimes on the conscience of the U.S & the world.
  • Berlin Airlift

    The first test of U.S policy by the Soviet Union came when the Soviets blockaded Berlin. The U.S won this Cold War confrontation with the Berlin Airlift. The U.S supplied the people of Berlin with food, water, and other supplies via airdrops.
  • Soviet Union tests Atomic Bomb

    This led the United States to accelerate the development of the hydrogen bomb and began a nuclear arms race
  • Korean Conflict

    The Truman administration believed this invasion had been orchestrated by the Soviet Union and urged the United Nations to take action. The United Nations voted unanimously to demand a ceasefire and support police action' to defend South Korea.
  • Eisenhower Doctrine

    President Eisenhower interviewed in the Suez Crisis in 1956 and extended containment to the Middle East Suez Crisis; Israeli troops push into Egypt towards Suez Canal after Egypt nationalized it.
  • National Defense Education Act

    Promote science and math skills Counteract the fear that consumerism had made Americans less competitive and less likely to win the arms race.
  • Rise of the Berlin Wall

    The city of Berlin, Germany was divided at the end of World War ll. The Soviets controlled East Berlin and the Allies controlled sections of West Germany. The city was divide by the Berlin Wall(const, begins Aug 13, 1961). Which became a symbol of the Cold War to separate East & West Germany and keep people of the eastern block from escaping to freedom in the west through Berlin.
  • Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

    This prop up friendly government U.S supported Afghanistan resistance movement because of containment policy. Soviets withdrew in 1989. Afghanistan rebel groups evolved into the Taliban. Which aided and sheltered AI Qaeda
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 considered to be the end of Cold War.
    The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991