Fall of Rome timeline

  • 31 BCE

    Augustus became Emperor

    Augustus became Emperor
    One of the greatest rulers Rome has ever seen, Augustus became Emperor in 31, BC and ruled for a good amount of time. This was the origin of a Golden Age in Rome.
  • 19 BCE


    The Romans had created a language that they could use throughout the empire.
  • 43

    Roman Trade

    During the Pax Romana, you could travel safely through Rome. This made it easier for people to trade goods. The trade resulted in a very strong economy and the introduction of currency.
  • 65

    Roman Engineering

    Roman Engineering
    The Romans were outstanding architects. They perfected techniques that would give their constructions a modern feeling. Most of the construction today is based on what they did before.
  • 70


    The Romans were very religious and soon they invented Christianity.
  • 285

    Internal Weakness

    The Roman empire started growing too much and the military demanded more pay, The empire was falling apart.
  • 306

    The Western and Eastern Empires

    To stop the conflict throughout Rome the emperor divided the empire into two and chose an extra emperor.
  • 395

    The Fall of Rome

    Soon barbarians started to attack the western roman empire and won due to numbers.