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Fall of Rome time line

  • Period: 200 to 200

    Economic and Military Problems

    Rome's economy began to fall apart. When the government weakened, law and order broke down. Roman soldiers would seize cops and destroy fields. Farmers grew less food, hunger began to spread. As the economy got worse, people bought fewer goods. Artisans produced less, shopkeepers lost money. A lot of businesses closed. A plague spread widely and it killed one out of every 10 people.
  • Period: 235 to 235

    Political and Social Problems

    One of the last Severan rulers died in A.D 235. The government became very weak. Army leaders fought each other for power. During this time there were 22 different emperors in Rome. Fewer Romans honored old ideals, courage, and honesty. Some government officials took bribes. Problems would increase, talented people, refused to work for the government. Some wealthy citizens quit paying taxes. They also supported slavery because it was cheap to get work done.
  • Period: 284 to 284

    What were Diocletian's reforms.

    Diocletian became emperor, to stop the empire's decline, he introduced reforms and political changes to make things better. Since the empire was too large for one person he divided it into four parts. He also worked to boost the economy. He set laws of prices of goods and wages to be paid to workers. To make sure good was produced, he ordered workers to remain at the same jobs until they died.
  • Period: 300 to 300

    Rome is Invaded

    The Huns entered Eastern Europe and defeated the Ostrogoths. The Visigoths, fearing that they would be next, asked the Eastern Roman emperor for protection.
  • Period: 312 to 312

    Who was Constantine

    Constantine became emperor in 312 A.D. He aided the economy and issued several orders. Sons of workers had to follow their fathers' trades. Sons of farms had to work the land their fathers worked. Sons of soldiers had to serve the army.
  • Period: 337 to 337

    Rome Falls

    Diocletian and Constantine failed to save the Roman Empire. After Constantine died in A.D. 337, fighting happened again. A new emperor called Theodosius finally gained control and ended the fighting. Theodosius divided the empire. After his death, the Roman Empire split.
  • Period: 378 to 378

    Rome is invaded

    Visigoths rebelled against the Roman. They defeated the Roman legions in the Battle of Adrianople. After the defeat, Rome was forced to surrender land to the Visigoths.
  • Period: 410 to 410

    Rome is Invaded

    Visigoth captured Rome itself. They burned records and looted the town. Rome was captured by Alaric was a great shock.
  • Period: 455 to 455

    Rome is invaded

    A group is known as Vandals overran Spain and Northern Africa. They sailed to Italy in A.D. 455 they entered Rome. They spent 12 days in looting buildings.
  • Period: 476 to 476

    Rome Falls

    A general named Oboacer took control of overthrowing the western emperor. Historians often use this event to mark the end of the Western Roman Empire.
  • Period: 550 to 550

    Rome Falls

    The Western Roman Empire had faded away. Many Roman beliefs and practices remained in use. Tho Europe's new Germanic rulers adopted the Latin language, Roman Laws, and Christianity.