Fall of Byzantine Empire

  • 550

    Beginning of the Fall of Byzantine Era

    Beginning of the Fall of Byzantine Era
    This is the beginning of the Fall of the Byzantine Empire.Things are starting to go down hill
  • 568

    Lombards invade Italy.They take Northern Italy from the Byzantines

    Lombards invade Italy.They take Northern Italy from the Byzantines
    The lombards invade Italy.They take it over.This is the first part of land being lost in attacks.
  • Jan 1, 690

    Lose North Africa to Muslims

    Lose North Africa to Muslims
    They lose their second piece of land.The muslims attack and take it over.This is a huge blow for the Byzantine empire
  • Jan 1, 693

    Muslims attack Constantinople

    Muslims attack Constantinople
    Muslims attack Constantinople.They fail.
  • Jan 1, 917

    Bulgers overrun Thrace.

    Bulgers overrun Thrace.
    The bulgers overrun Thrace.
  • Jan 1, 1055

    Loses Southern Italy to Normans

    Loses Southern Italy to Normans
    They lose more land. The empire is getting smaller and smaller.
  • Jan 1, 1075

    Loses Syria to Muslims

    Loses Syria to Muslims
    This is their second loss to the muslims.The empire has lost a lot of land.
  • Jan 1, 1087

    Byzantines get defeated in Thrace

    Byzantines get defeated in Thrace
    They lose a battle in Thrace.They could not take it over.
  • Jan 1, 1204

    Fourth Crusade captures Constantinople

    Fourth Crusade captures Constantinople
    The Fourth Crusade captures Constantinople.This is a blow they never recover from.
  • Jan 1, 1453

    Constantinople fell the the Ottomans

    Constantinople fell the the Ottomans
    This is the fall of the Byzantine empire.The ottomans took over.The Byantines never recovered